
Class Summary
AddFeatureClassToTerrain Adds one or more feature classes to a terrain dataset.
AddSurfaceInformation Add Surface Information uses a surface to interpolate heights for features, converting them to 3D in the background, calculates 3D properties for these features, then writes the property values as attributes to the input feature class.
AddTerrainPoints Adds multipoints to an embedded terrain feature class by appending them or by using them to replace existing multipoints that fall within the same extent.
AddTerrainPyramidLevel Adds new pyramid level(s) to an existing terrain dataset.
AddZInformation Examines each 3D shape and adds selected properties as attributes to the input feature class.
AppendTerrainPoints Adds points or multipoints to a terrain dataset.
Ascii3DToFeatureClass Imports 3D features from one or more ASCII files into a new output feature class.
Aspect Derives aspect from a raster surface.
BuildTerrain Performs the necessary steps to make a terrain dataset usable after it's initially defined.
ChangeTerrainReferenceScale Changes the reference scale used by a terrain pyramid level.
ChangeTerrainResolutionBounds Changes the pyramid level resolution bounds for a given feature class contributing to the surface of the terrain dataset.
ConstructSightLines Constructs lines between each of the observer points and each of the target features.
Contour Creates a line feature class of contours (isolines) from a raster surface.
ContourList Creates a feature class of selected contour values from a raster surface.
ContourWithBarriers Creates contours from a raster surface.
CopyTin This tool copies a triangulated irregular network (TIN) in a specified version to another location.
CreateTerrain Creates a new terrain dataset inside the specified feature dataset.
CreateTin Creates an empty TIN.
Curvature Calculates the curvature of a raster surface, optionally including profile and plan curvature.
CutFill Calculates the volume change between two surfaces.
DecimateTinNodes Produces a TIN that is a generalized version of another.
DeleteTerrainPoints Deletes points from a terrain dataset within an area of interest from one or more feature classes.
DelineateTinDataArea Defines the data area, or interpolation zone, of a TIN based on triangle edge length.
Difference3D Computes the geometric intersection of two volumes defined by closed multipatch features, based upon the geometric intersection of their patches.
Divide Divides the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis.
EditTin Adds feature classes to an existing TIN and creates surface features of a TIN based on an input feature class.
ExtrudeBetween Converts polygons into multipatches by extruding them between two input TINs.
FeatureClassZToASCII Exports 3D points, multipoints, polylines, or polygons to ASCII text files in XYZ or GENERATE format.
FeatureTo3DByAttribute Adds a height dimension based on one or two attributes.
Float Converts each cell value of a raster into a floating-point representation.
HillShade Creates a shaded relief from a surface raster by considering the illumination source angle and shadows.
Idw Interpolates a raster surface from points using an inverse distance weighted (IDW) technique.
Import3DFiles This tool imports one or more 3D models into an output feature class.
Inside3D Tests each feature to determine if it falls inside a multipatch.
Int Converts each cell value of a raster to an integer by truncation.
InterpolatePolyToPatch This tool creates surface-conforming areal features by extracting those portions of a TIN or terrain dataset surface that fall within the extent of input polygons as multipatches.
InterpolateShape This tool interpolates z-values for a feature class based on an underlying raster, triangulated irregular network (TIN), or terrain dataset surface.
Intersect3D Computes the geometric intersection of two volumes defined by closed multipatch features, based upon the geometric intersection of their patches.
Intersect3DLineWithMultiPatch Computes a geometric intersection of the input line and multipatch features, and returns the number of points of intersection.
IsClosed3D The Is Closed 3D tool is contained in the 3D Analyst Tools tool box.
Kriging Interpolates a raster surface from points using kriging.
LandXMLToTin This tool imports one or more triangulated irregular network (TIN) surfaces from a LandXML file and writes the TIN(s) to location on disk.
LASToMultipoint This tool imports one or more files in LAS format, the industry standard for lidar data, into a new multipoint feature class.
Layer3DToFeatureClass This tool applies 3D properties associated with a feature layer and writes the result to a new multipatch or line feature class.
LayerToKML This tool converts an in-memory or file-based feature or raster layer into a KML file containing a translation of ESRI geometries and symbology.
LineOfSight This tool uses an input 2D or 3D polyline feature class along with a raster, triangulated irregular network (TIN), or terrain dataset surface to determine visibility between observer and target points.
LocateOutliers Locates points which appear to be anomalies when compared to a surface.
Lookup Creates a new raster by looking up values found in another field in the table of the input raster.
MapToKML This tool converts a map document into a KML file containing a translation of ESRI geometries and symbology.
Minus Subtracts the value of the second input raster from the value of the first input raster on a cell-by-cell basis.
MultiPatchFootprint Converts multipatches into polygons.
NaturalNeighbor Interpolates a raster surface from points using a natural neighbor technique.
Near3D Determines the distance from each feature in the input features to the nearest features in the near features, within the search radius.
ObserverPoints Identifies which observer points are visible from each raster surface location.
Plus Adds (sums) the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis.
PointFileInformation Generates a new output feature class containing statistical information about one or more point files.
PolygonVolume Calculates the volumetric and surface area between polygons of an input feature class and a terrain dataset or TIN surface.
RasterDomain This tool writes the interpolation zone of the input raster surface into a new 3D polyline or 3D polygon feature class.
RasterTin Converts a raster to a TIN.
RasterToMultipoint This tool converts a raster into a new multipoint feature class.
ReclassByASCIIFile Reclassifies or changes the values of the input cells of a raster using an ASCII remap file.
ReclassByTable Reclassifies or changes the values of the input cells of a raster using a remap table.
Reclassify Reclassifies (or changes) the values in a raster.
RemoveFeatureClassFromTerrain Removes reference to a feature class participating in a terrain dataset.
RemoveTerrainPoints This tool removes points within an area of interest from one or more embedded feature classes.
RemoveTerrainPyramidLevel This tool removes a pyramid level from a terrain dataset.
ReplaceTerrainPoints Adds points and multipoints to the collection of data used by the terrain dataset, replacing data that had previously been used.
Skyline Generates a line feature class containing the results from a skyline silhouette analysis.
SkylineBarrier Generates a multipatch feature class representing a skyline barrier.
SkylineGraph Calculates sky visibility, and optionally generates a table and a polar graph.
Slice Slices or reclassifies the range of values of the input cells into zones of equal interval, equal area, or by natural breaks.
Slope Identifies the slope (gradient, or rate of maximum change in z-value) from each cell of a raster surface.
Spline Interpolates a raster surface from points using a two-dimensional minimum curvature spline technique.
SplineWithBarriers Interpolates a raster surface, using barriers, from points using a minimum curvature spline technique.
SurfaceAspect This tool extracts aspect information from an input TIN or terrain dataset into an output feature class.
SurfaceContour Creates a feature class containing a set of contours generated from a terrain dataset or TIN surface.
SurfaceDifference This tool calculates the volumetric difference between two triangulated irregular networks (TIN), or terrain datasets.
SurfaceLength This tool calculates the surface length for each polyline or polygon in a feature class based on a raster, triangulated irregular network (TIN), or terrain dataset surface.
SurfaceSlope Extracts slope information from an input TIN or terrain dataset into an output feature class.
SurfaceSpot Calculates surface values for each point of a point feature class by interpolating from a raster, TIN, or terrain dataset surface.
SurfaceVolume This tool calculates the area and volume of a raster, triangulated area network (TIN), or terrain dataset surface above or below a given reference plane.
TerrainToPoints This tool converts a terrain dataset into a new point or multipoint feature class.
TerrainToRaster Converts a terrain dataset into a raster.
TerrainToTin This tool converts a terrain dataset to a file-based TIN.
Times Multiplies the values of two rasters on a cell-by-cell basis.
TinAspect Extracts aspect information from an input TIN into an output feature class.
TinContour Creates a feature class containing a set of contours generated from a functional surface.
TinDifference Calculates the volumetric difference between two TINs.
TinDomain This tool extracts the interpolation zone from an input TIN into an output feature class.
TinEdge Extracts triangle edges from an input TIN into an output feature class.
TinLine The tool writes the hard and soft breaklines from a TIN into a new 3D polyline feature class.
TinNode This tool extracts nodes from an input TIN into an output feature class and produces a 2D or 3D point feature class whose points are extracted from nodes of the input TIN.
TinPolygonTag Extracts polygons with tag information from an input TIN into an output feature class.
TinPolygonVolume Calculates the volumetric and surface area between polygons of an input feature class and a TIN surface.
TinRaster This tool converts a TIN to a raster.
TinSlope Extracts slope information from an input TIN into an output feature class.
TinTriangle This tool extracts triangles as polygons from an input TIN into an output feature class and produces a polygon feature class whose polygons are constructed from the input TIN's triangles.
TopoToRaster Interpolates a hydrologically correct raster raster surface from point, line, and polygon data.
TopoToRasterByFile Interpolates a hydrologically correct raster surface from point, line, and polygon data using parameters specified in a file.
Trend Interpolates a raster surface from points using a trend technique.
Union3D Computes the geometric intersection of the patches of overlapping multipatches, then aggregates the multipatches together.
Viewshed Determines the raster surface locations visible to a set of observer features.