Package com.esri.arcgis.geometry

The Geometry library contains the core geometry objects, such as Point, Polygon, Polyline, etc.


Interface Summary
esriArcOrientation Describes how to rotate about the arc's center getting from the 'from' point to the 'to' point of an arc.
esriBufferConstructionEndEnum Line end (cap) buffering options for IBufferConstruction methods
esriBufferConstructionSideEnum Line side buffering options for IBufferConstruction methods
esriConstructDivideEnum Defines the kind of geometries produced by a ConstructDivide operation.
esriConstructOffsetEnum Options for offset behavior at polycurve segment intersection corners.
esriConstructOffsetSimplifyEnum method for removing self-intersecting loops from offset curves (used by IConstructCurve4::ConstructOffset.
esriCoordinateSystemFilter A filter for lists of coordinate systems.
esriCurveDensifyMethod The different ways of producing a piecewise linear approximation to a curve.
esriCurveExtension Describes the options to be used when extending a polyline.
esriCurveIteratorEnum Identifies different stop options for an IEnumCurve iterator.
esriEnvelopeVertex The "indexes" of the corners of an envelope.
esriExtrapolationEnum Options for M extrapolation (IMSegmentation::ExtrapolateMs).
esriGARSModeEnum Determines the format of the GARS (global area reference system) description of a point.
esriGeodeticType Describes the kinds of geodetic curves that can be constructed.
esriGeometryAttributes The set of attributes that a geometry can have.
esriGeometryDimension The topological dimension of a geometry.
esriGeometryEmbeddingDimension The topological dimension of the space embedding the geometry.
esriGeometryError Describes why a parameter to a method is incorrect, or why a method could not be completed.
esriGeometryHitPartType Describes the parts of a geometry that can be located by their proximity to a query point.
esriGeometryServerMessageCodeEnum Identifies messages that can be logged by the Geometry Server.
esriGeometryType The available kinds of geometry objects.
esriGeometryUpdateMEnum Describes how Ms should be updated by IMSegmentation2 methods.
esriMCurveRelationEnum Information about where an M value falls relative to a curve (IMSegmentation2::GetSubcurveBetweenMsEx).
esriMGRSModeEnum Determines the format of the MGRS description of a point.
esriMMonotonicEnum Describes if the measures on the geometry are all ascending, all descending, or neither.
esriMonotinicityEnum Describes trends in the value of an attribute.
esriMultiPatchRingType MultiPatch Ring Types.
esriNonSimpleReasonEnum Describes ways in which a geometry could be non-simple.
esriPatchType The kinds of surface patches that can be contained in a MultiPatch.
esriProjectionHint Describes the type of extent hints used by Project5 and ProjectEx5.
esriSegmentExtension Describes if, how, and where to extend segments.
esriSegmentType The types of segments that can be persisted in a new style Esri shapefile buffer (a polyline/polygon with Esri shape type esriShapeGeneralPolyline/Polygon.
esriShapeExportFlags Flags used to control the behavior of IESRIShape2 export methods.
esriShapeImportFlags Flags used to control the behavior of IESRIShape2 import methods.
esriShapeModifiers Bits that can be added to the esriGeneral...
esriShapeType Esri Shapefile shape types.
esriSpatialReferenceError Describes why a parameter to a method is incorrect, or why a method could not be completed.
esriSpatialRelationEnum Spatial relationship types - includes those defined by the OpenGIS Simple Features Specification For OLE/COM, Revision 1.1
esriSpatialRelationExEnum Spatial relationship types used by WithinEx and ContainEx specifying details of the relationships
esriSRDatum2Type More available datums.
esriSRDatum3Type More available datums.
esriSRDatumType The available datums.
esriSRGeoCS2Type More geographic coordinate systems.
esriSRGeoCS3Type More available geographic coordinate systems.
esriSRGeoCSType The available geographic coordinate systems.
esriSRGeoTransformation2Type More datum transformations: longitude rotation, NADCON, HARN and NTv2 methods.
esriSRGeoTransformation3Type More available geographic/datum transformations.
esriSRGeoTransformationType The available equation-based datum transformations.
esriSRHorizonType Describes the type of horizon geometries generated by the Esri Projection Engine.
esriSRLimitsEnum The largest number of parameters that a projection or projected coordinate system can have.
esriSRParameter2Type More predefined parameters.
esriSRParameter3Type More predefined parameters.
esriSRParameter4Type More predefined parameters.
esriSRParameterType The available predefined parameters.
esriSRPoleGeometry Describes the geometry of a pole in a projected coordinate system.
esriSRPoleLocation Describes the location of a pole with respect to the PCS horizon.
esriSRPrimeM2Type More available prime meridians.
esriSRPrimeMType The available prime meridians.
esriSRProjCS2Type More projected coordinate systems.
esriSRProjCS3Type More projected coordinate systems.
esriSRProjCS4Type More available projected coordinate systems.
esriSRProjCSType The available projected coordinate systems.
esriSRProjection2Type More map projections.
esriSRProjection3Type More map projections.
esriSRProjection4Type More available map projections.
esriSRProjectionType The available map projections.
esriSRSpheroid2Type More available spheroids and spheres.
esriSRSpheroidType The available spheroids and spheres.
esriSRToleranceEnum Describes the ways a spatial reference tolerance value can be incorrect.
esriSRUnit2Type More available units of measure.
esriSRUnitType The available units of measure.
esriSRVerticalCSType The available vertical coordinate systems.
esriSRVerticalDatumType The available vertical datums.
esriTransformDirection Specifies whether to apply a forward or reverse (inverse) transformation.
esriTurnDirectionEnum The way in which a turn can be made when walking from one segment to another segment connected to it.
esriUTMConversionOptionsEnum Specifies options for converting UTM coordinate strings to and from geographic coordinates
IAffineTransformation2D Provides access to members that define and manipulate affine transformations.
IAffineTransformation2D2 Provides access to members that define and manipulate affine transformations.
IAffineTransformation2D3 Deprecated. This interface uses C style arrays which are not supported in the ArcGIS API for Java.
IAffineTransformation2D3GEN Provides access to members that define and manipulate affine transformations.
IAffineTransformation3D Deprecated. This interface uses C style arrays which are not supported in the ArcGIS API for Java.
IAffineTransformation3DGEN Provides access to members that define and manipulate affine transformations in 3D.
IAngularUnit Provides access to members that control the properties of angular unit.
IAngularUnitEdit Provides access to members that define the properties of an angular unit.
IArea Provides access to members that return properties common to rings and polygons.
IArea3D Provides access to members that return properties common to MultiPatches.
IAreaGeodetic Provides access to members that calculate ellipsoidal area of polygons using various perimeter densification methods.
IBezierCurve Deprecated. This interface uses C style arrays which are not supported in the ArcGIS API for Java.
IBezierCurve2 Provides access to members that identify third degree bezier curve segments and defines their properties.
IBezierCurve3 Provides access to members that identify third degree bezier curve segments and defines their properties.
IBezierCurveGEN OLE automation compatibility interface for IBezierCurve.
IBufferConstruction Provides access to members that buffer sets of geometries.
IBufferConstructionProperties Provides access to members that control how sets of geometries are buffered.
IBufferConstructionProperties2 Provides access to members that control whether buffering is done on a plane or on an ellipsoid.
IBufferProgress Implemented by clients to receive reports of buffer operation progress.
ICircularArc Provides access to members that control properties of circular arcs.
IClassFactory Description
ICompareCoordinateSystems Provides modified equality tests for spatial references.
ICompositeGeoTransformation Provides access to members that control a set of geographic transformations.
IConstructAngle Provides access to members that construct an angle using other geometries and measures.
IConstructBezierCurve Provides access to members that construct a Bezier curve using other geometries and measures.
IConstructCircularArc Provides access to members that construct a circular arc using other geometries and values.
IConstructCircularArc2 Provides access to members that construct a circular arc using other geometries and values.
IConstructClothoid Methods for constructing clothoid spirals.
IConstructCurve Provides access to members that construct a curve using other geometries and measures.
IConstructCurve2 Provides access to members that construct a curve using other geometries and measures.
IConstructCurve3 Provides access to members that construct a curve using other geometries and measures.
IConstructCurve4 Constructs an offset curve using a different algorithm.
IConstructDomainExtent Provides access to members that construct domain extents based on defined precision.
IConstructDomainExtent2 Constructs a Z/M domain extent from the specified extent and information from a spatial reference.
IConstructEllipticArc Provides access to members that construct an elliptic arc segment using other geometries and measures.
IConstructGeodetic Provides access to members that construct various kinds of geodetic curves.
IConstructGeometryCollection Provides access to members that construct a collection of geometries.
IConstructLine Provides access to members that construct a line segment using other geometries and measures.
IConstructMerge Methods for doing a 3-way merge using two modified versions of a geometry along with the original.
IConstructMultiPatch Provides access to members that can be used to construct MultiPatches.
IConstructMultipoint Provides access to members that construct multiple points using other geometries and values.
IConstructPath Provides access to members that construct a path using other geometries and measures.
IConstructPoint Provides access to members that construct a point using other geometries and measures.
IConstructPoint2 Provides access to additional point construction methods.
IConstructUnknownCoordinateSystem Provides method to define the properties of an unknown coordinate system.
IControlPrecision IControlPrecision interface.
IControlPrecision2 IControlPrecision2 interface.
IControlPrecision3 IControlPrecision3 interface.
IConversionMGRS Provides access to members that allow the use of MGRS.
IConversionNotation Provides access to functions that convert to and from various geographic string notations.
ICoordinateFrameTransformation Provides access to members that control the 3D frame transformation with rotation, translation and scaling.
ICurve Provides access to properties and methods of all 1 dimensional curves (polylines, segments, boundaries of polygons, etc.).
ICurve2 Provides access to members that extend the functionality of one dimensional curves.
ICurve3 Provides access to members that extend the functionality of one dimensional curves.
ICurve3D Provides access to members that define operations common to curves with Zs.
IDatum Provides access to members that control the properties of all horizontal datums.
IDatumEdit Provides access to members that control the properties of a horizontal datum.
IEllipticArc Provides access to members that control properties of elliptic arc segments.
IEncode3DProperties Provides access to members that encode and decode normals and 2D texture coordinates into a single double value.
IEnumCurve Provides access to members that allow efficient construction of sequential subcurves along a polyline or polygon.
IEnumCurve2 Provides access to members that extend IEnumCurve.
IEnumGeometry Provides access to members that enumerate the members of a collection of geometries.
IEnumIntersection Not currently used.
IEnumPointAndDistance Provides access to members that iterate over the points on a geometry that are closest to an input point, as returned by QueryPointsAndDistances.
IEnumSegment Provides access to members that iterate over collections of segments (obtained from the EnumSegments property on the ISegmentCollection interface).
IEnumSplitPoint Provides access to members that iterate over the new vertices in a geometry introduced as a result of using SplitAtPoints/SplitAtDistances.
IEnumVertex Provides access to members that iterate over the vertices or points of a geometry (see the EnumVertices property of the IPointCollection interface).
IEnumVertex2 Provides access to members that extend IEnumVertex.
IEnvelope Deprecated. This interface uses C style arrays which are not supported in the ArcGIS API for Java.
IEnvelope2 Provides access to members that extend the IEnvelope interface.
IEnvelope3D Provides access to methods on 3D envelopes.
IEnvelope4 Provides further access to methods on 3D envelopes.
IEnvelopeGEN OLE Automation compatibility interface for IEnvelope.
IESRISegment Superseded By
IESRISegment2 Product Availability
IESRIShape Provides access to members that Import/Export ArcObjects geometries to Esri shapefile format.
IESRIShape2 Provides access to methods for non-byte swapping and angular densification export in addition to those in IESRIShape.
IESRISpatialReference Provides access to members that control the import/export operations components of a spatial reference system.
IESRISpatialReferenceGEN Provides access to members that generate well known string (WKS) representations of spatial reference objects.
IESRISpatialReferenceGEN2 Provides access to members that generate well known string representations for spatial reference objects.
IExtrude Provides access to members that can be used to take a geometry and connect it to a translated version of itself to generate a higher-dimensional geometry.
IExtrude2 Provides access to members that can be used to take a geometry and connect it to a translated version of itself to generate a higher-dimensional geometry.
IFunctionalSurface Provides access to information about the functional surface, generating heights given x,y locations.
IFunctionalSurface2 Provides access to members that allow changes to be made to the interpolation domain, in addition to the IFunctionalSurface members.
IFunctionalSurface3 Provides access to members that allow fuller interpolation of polygonal patches.
IGeneralMultiPatchInfo Interface to get infomation of a GeneralMultiPatch.
IGeocentricTranslation Provides access to members that control the 3D vector transformation with 3 translation values.
IGeographic2DOffsetTransformation Provides access to members that control the geographic 2D offset transformation.
IGeographicCoordinateSystem Provides access to members that control access to all properties of geographic coordinate systems.
IGeographicCoordinateSystem2 Provides access to members that control additional properties and methods for all geographic coordinate systems.
IGeographicCoordinateSystemEdit Provides access to members that control the properties for a geographic coordinate system.
IGeometricBufferSourceSink Client-supplied interface that provides support for buffering a group of geometries by different distances.
IGeometry Provides access to members that describe properties and behavior of all geometric objects.
IGeometry2 Provides access to members that extend the IGeometry interface with a more sophisticated projection method.
IGeometry3 Provides rapid access to a geometry's extent in the x-y plane.
IGeometry4 Provides access to methods that indicate if a geometry has been changed (edited, projected, etc).
IGeometry5 Provides access to members that extend the IGeometry interface with a more sophisticated projection method.
IGeometryArray Description
IGeometryBag Provides access to members that identify a geometry bag.
IGeometryBridge Provides access to a set of generic methods that can be used in all languages supported.
IGeometryBridge2 Provides access to a set of generic methods that can be used in all languages supported.
IGeometryCollection Provides access to members that can be used for accessing, adding and removing individual geometries of a multi-part geometry (Multipoint, Polyline, Polygon, MultiPatch, and GeometryBag).
IGeometryEnvironment Provides access to members that control global geometry variables.
IGeometryEnvironment2 Provides access to members that control additional global geometry variables.
IGeometryEnvironment3 Provides access to members that control additional global geometry variables.
IGeometryEnvironment4 Provides access to members that control additional global geometry variables.
IGeometryFactory Provides access to members that create geometries from different inputs.
IGeometryFactory2 Provides access to members that create geometries from different inputs.
IGeometryFactory3 Provides access to members that create geometries from different inputs.
IGeometryServer Provides access to standard operations on geometric 'value' objects.
IGeometryServer2 Provides access to more standard operations on geometric 'value' objects.
IGeometryServer3 Provides access to more standard operations on geometric 'value' objects.
IGeoTransformation Provides access to members that define a geographic (datum) transformation.
IGeoTransformationOperationSet Provides access to members that control a set of geographic transformation operators (GT + direction).
IGridTransformation Provides access to members that control the dataset name for a grid-based transformation.
IHitTest Provides access to members that locate a part of a geometry closest to a point.
IHitTest3D Provides access to members that locate a part of a geometry closest to a point.
IHVDatum Indicator interface for a horizontal or vertical.
IJSONConverterGeometry Provides direct access to the geometry serialization for AMF and JSON formats.
ILine Provides access to members that identify a straight line segment and defines its properties.
ILine2 Provides access to the coordinates of a line segment in the form of Well Known Structures (WKS).
ILine3 Provides access to members that identify a straight line segment and defines its properties.
ILinearUnit Provides access to members that control the properties of the linear unit.
ILinearUnitEdit Provides access to members that control the properties of the linear unit.
ILinePolygonHelper Helper class for polygons, formed from linear segments.
ILongitudeRotationTransformation Provides access to members that control the parameters of a longitude-rotation transformation.
IMAware Indicator interface that identifies geometric objects that can have persistent M values attached to their vertices.
IMCollection Provides access to members that control operations on M-aware multipoints, polylines, polygons and multipatches.
IMolodenskyBadekasTransformation Provides access to members that control the 3D frame transformation with rotation, translation, scaling, and XYZ center of rotation.
IMolodenskyTransformation Provides access to members that control the parameters of a Molodensky transformation.
IMSegmentation Provides access to members for defining an M-based linear coordinate system on a polyline or polygon.
IMSegmentation2 Provides access to additional linear referencing operations on polylines.
IMSegmentation3 Provides access to additional linear referencing operations on polylines.
IMSegmentation4 Provides access to additional linear referencing operations on polylines.
IMSegmentationInternal Provides access to members that allow certain MSegmentation functionality, similar to that on IMSegmentation3 but more limited.
IMSnap Provides access to a method that snaps ms of the geometry to the precision of the spatial reference associated with the geometry.
IMultiPatch Provides access to members that identify a MultiPatch and permit controlled access to its parts.
IMultiPatch2 Provides access to members that permit controlled access to MultiPatch parts.
IMultipoint Indicator interface that identifies a multipoint object.
INetworkShape Product Availability
INetworkShape3D Product Availability
INormalAware Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have persistent normal vectors values attached to coordinates.
INullTransformation indicator interface for a null transformation.
IParameter Provides access to members that control the properties of projection parameters.
IParameterEdit Provides access to members that control the properties of projection parameters.
IPartIDAware Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have part IDs.
IPath Provides access to members that identify a path and define its behavior.
IPoint Provides access to members that define two dimensional points.
IPointArray Description
IPointCollection Provides access to members that manipulate the points of a Multipoint, Path, Ring, Polyline, Polygon, TriangleFan, TriangleStrip, or MultiPatch.
IPointCollection2 Provides access to members that manipulate the points of a Multipoint.
IPointCollection3 Provides access to members that manipulate the points of a Multipoint.
IPointCollection4 Provides access to members that manipulate the points of a Multipoint, Path, Ring, Polyline, Polygon, TriangleFan, TriangleStrip, or MultiPatch.
IPointCollection5 Provides access to members that manipulate the vertices as lightweight point+attribute structures (VA - vertex attribute)
IPointIDAware Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have persistent point ID values attached to coordinates.
IPolycurve Provides access to members that define operations common to polylines and the boundaries of polygons.
IPolycurve2 Provides access to members that extend IPolycurve with additional splitting and densification methods.
IPolycurve3 Provides access to members that extend IPolycurve with additional splitting and densification methods.
IPolycurve3D Provides access to members that define operations common to polycurves with Zs.
IPolycurve4 Provides geodesic operations on curves.
IPolycurveGeodetic Provides various geodetic operations on curves.
IPolygon Provides access to members that identify a polygon and permit controlled access to its inner and outer rings.
IPolygon2 Provides access to members that extend the IPolygon interface.
IPolygon3 Provides access to members that extend the IPolygon2 interface.
IPolygon4 Provides access to members that extend the IPolygon3 interface.
IPolygon5 Provides additional operations on polygons.
IPolygonArray Provides access to the IPolygonArray Interface.
IPolyline Provides access to members that identify and add behavior to a polyline object.
IPolyline2 Provides access to members that extend a polyline object.
IPolyline3 Provides access to members that extend a polyline object.
IPolyline4 Provides access to members that extend a polyline object.
IPolyline5 Provides access to members that extend a polyline object.
IPolyline6 Provides access to members that extend a polyline object.
IPolylineArray Provides access to the IPolylineArray Interface.
IPositionVectorTransformation Provides access to members that control the 3D vector transformation with rotation, translation and scaling.
IPrimeMeridian Provides access to members that control the properties of all prime meridians.
IPrimeMeridianEdit Provides access to members that control the properties of the prime meridian.
IPRJSpatialReference Provides access to members that control the import/export operations components of a spatial reference system.
IPRJSpatialReferenceGEN Provides access to members that control the import/export operations components of a spatial reference system.
IProjectedCoordinateSystem Provides access to members that control the properties and methods for all projected coordinate systems.
IProjectedCoordinateSystem2 Provides access to members that control additional properties and methods for projected coordinate systems.
IProjectedCoordinateSystem3 Provides access to members that control additional properties and methods for projected coordinate systems.
IProjectedCoordinateSystem4 Deprecated. This interface uses C style arrays which is not supported in the Java API for ArcObjects.
IProjectedCoordinateSystem4GEN Provides access to members that control additional properties and methods for projected coordinate systems.
IProjectedCoordinateSystem5 Provides access to members that control additional properties and methods for projected coordinate systems.
IProjectedCoordinateSystemEdit Provides access to members that control the properties of a projected coordinate system.
IProjection Deprecated. This interface uses C style arrays which are not supported in the ArcGIS API for Java.
IProjectionGEN OLE compatibility for providing access to members that control the properties of all map projections.
IProjectiveTransformation2D Deprecated. This interface uses C style arrays which are not supported in the ArcGIS API for Java.
IProjectiveTransformation2DGEN Provides access to members that define and manipulate projective transformations.
IProximityOperator Provides access to members that find the 2D distance between two geometries.
IProximityOperator3D Provides access to members that find the 3D distance between two geometries with Zs.
IRay Provides access to 3D Ray properties and methods.
IRay2 Provides access to 3D Ray properties and methods.
IRelationalOperator Provides access to members that determine if a certain spatial relationship exists between two geometries.
IRelationalOperator2 Additional relational functions.
IRelationalOperator3D Provides access to members that determine if a certain spatial relationship exists between two geometries with Zs.
IRelationalOperator3D2 Provides access to members that determine if a certain spatial relationship exists between two geometries with Zs.
IRelationalOperatorNxM Provides access to members that determines which pairs of geometries from two sets are in a specified relation.
IRelationResult Provides access to members that meet the specific relation between two sets of geometries.
IRelationResultArray Description
IRing Provides access to members that identify a ring and define its behavior.
IRing2 Provides extended access to members that identify a ring and define its behavior.
ISegment Provides access to members that identify a segment.
ISegmentCollection Provides access to members that manipulate the segments of a path, ring, polyline, or polygon.
ISegmentGraph Provides access to members that define and navigate a topologically structured collection of segments.
ISegmentGraph2 Provides access to members that define and navigate a topologically structured collection of segments.
ISegmentGraphCursor Provides access to members that define and manipulate a way of navigating over segments topologically structured within a segment graph.
ISegmentID Provides access to members that allow simple manipulations of IDs at the segment level.
ISegmentM Provides access to members that allow simple manipulations of Ms at the segment level.
ISegmentZ Provides access to members that allow simple manipulations of Zs at the segment level.
ISegmentZ2 Provides access to members that allow manipulations of segments with Zs.
ISpatialIndex Provides access to members that create a temporary spatial index for improving performance of "Disjoint" and some other relational operators.
ISpatialIndex2 Provides access to members that create a temporary spatial index for improving performance of "Disjoint" and some other relational operators.
ISpatialReference Provides access to members that control a SpatialReference.
ISpatialReference2 Deprecated. This interface uses C style arrays which are not supported in the ArcGIS API for Java.
ISpatialReference2GEN Provides access to additional members that control a SpatialReference.
ISpatialReference3 Provides access to additional members that associate a spatial reference with a vertical coordinate system.
ISpatialReference4 Provides access to additional members that control a SpatialReference.
ISpatialReferenceAuthority Provides access to the authority-related metadata for a spatial reference object.
ISpatialReferenceFactory Provides access to members that create different kinds of spatial reference components.
ISpatialReferenceFactory2 Provides access to members that create different kinds of spatial reference components.
ISpatialReferenceFactory3 Provides access to members that create vertical datums or coordinate systems.
ISpatialReferenceFactory4 Provides access to members that create lists of coordinate systems.
ISpatialReferenceInfo Provides access to members that control the properties common to all components of a spatial reference system.
ISpatialReferenceResolution Provides access to members that control the resolution of a spatial reference.
ISpatialReferenceSingletonManager Ensure that no duplicates of projection engine pcs or gcs objects are created.
ISpatialReferenceTolerance Provides access to members that specify the spatial and M tolerances of a spatial reference.
ISphere Provides access to a sphere's properties and operations.
ISpheroid Provides access to members that control the properties of all spheroids.
ISpheroidEdit Provides access to members that control the properties of a spheroid.
ISRPersistStream Provides access to methods for persisting precision information.
ITextureAware Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have persistent texture values attached to coordinates.
ITexturePersistenceProperties Provides access to MultiPatch texture persistence properties.
ITopologicalOperator Provides access to members for constructing new geometries based upon topological relationships between existing geometries.
ITopologicalOperator2 Provides access to members that extend the ITopologicalOperator interface.
ITopologicalOperator3 Provides additional information on non-simple geometries.
ITopologicalOperator4 Provides additional information on non-simple geometries.
ITopologicalOperator5 Provides additional information on non-simple geometries.
ITopologicalOperator6 .
ITopologicalSegment Provides access to members that identify segments that can participate in topological operations (intersect, etc).
ITopologicalSegment2 Provides access to members that extend the ITopologicalSegment interface.
ITransform2D Provides access to methods for transforming geometries using either specific parameters or arbitrary transformation objects (affine transformations, geographic transformations, etc.).
ITransform3D Provides access to methods for transforming 3D geometries using either specific parameters or arbitrary transformation objects.
ITransformation Provides access to members that apply a function (or its inverse) to a set of points or measures.
ITransformation3D Deprecated. This interface uses C style arrays which are not supported in the ArcGIS API for Java.
ITransformation3DGEN Provides access to members that control a 3D affine transformation.
ITransformationGEN Provides access to members that apply a function (or its inverse) to a set of points or measures.
ITriangleFan Indicator interface that identifies a triangle fan.
ITriangles Indicator interface that identifies a Triangles patch.
ITriangleStrip Indicator interface that identifies a triangle strip.
IUnit Provides access to members that identify a linear or angular unit of measure within a spatial reference system.
IUnitChangeTransformation indicator interface for a unit change geotransformation (units are obtained from the constituent gcss.
IUnknownCoordinateSystem Indicator interface that identifies an Unknown coordinate system.
IVector Provides access to vector properties and operations.
IVector3D Provides access to 3D vector properties and operations.
IVertexAttribute Identifies geometries that can have attributes on their vertices.
IVertexAttribute2 additional operations for geometries that can have attributes (z, m, id) on their vertices.
IVerticalCoordinateSystem Provides access to properties of a vertical coordinate system.
IVerticalCoordinateSystemEdit Provides access to members that control the properties of a vertical coordinate system.
IVerticalCoordinateSystemGEN Provides access to properties of a vertical coordinate system.
IVerticalDatum Indicator interface for vertical datums.
IVerticalDatumEdit Provides access to members that control the properties of a vertical datum.
IVolume Provides access to members that return properties common to MultiPatches.
IWin32Shape Provides access to members that prepare a set of GDI drawing instructions for a geometry.
IWin32Shape2 Provides access to members that prepare a set of GDI drawing instructions for a geometry.
IWkb Reads/Writes the OGIS OLE/COM simple features Well Known Binary Format, v1.1, little-endian (NDR).
IZ Provides access to members that identify geometric objects that can have 3D coordinates and defines operations on such objects.
IZ2 Provides access to additional members that identify geometric objects that can have 3D coordinates and defines operations on such objects.
IZAware Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have persistent Z values attached to their vertices.
IZCollection Provides access to operations on Z-aware geometries.
IZShift Provides access to a limited 3D awareness for a 2D affine transformation.
SegmentOverlapEnum Describes the overlap between segments.
wkbByteOrder The network byte order chosen for an OGIS OLE/COM Well Known Binary buffer (v1.1).
wkbGeometryType Well-known binary (Wkb) Geometry Types.

Class Summary
_esriSegmentInfo The structure returned by a call to IEnumSegment::NextEx.
_WKSPointVA A point structure containing all vertex attributes.
AbridgedMolodenskyTransformation Creates an Abridged Molodensky transformation.
AffineTransformation2D A two dimensional affine transformation.
AffineTransformation3D A three dimensional transformation.
AngularUnit Creates a angular unit of measure.
BezierCurve A cubic Bezier curve defined between two points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each endpoint.
BufferConstruction Buffers collections of lines or collections of polygons.
CircularArc A portion of a circle that connects two points optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each endpoint.
CompositeGeoTransformation Performs a sequence of geographic transformations.
CoordinateFrameTransformation Creates a Coordinate Frame transformation.
Datum Creates a datum.
EllipticArc A portion of the boundary of a 2D ellipse that connects two points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each endpoint.
Envelope A rectangle with sides parallel to a coordinate system defining the extent of another geometry; optionally has min and max measure, height and ID attributes.
esriGeometryNetworkVertexInfo Product Availability
esriGeometryNetworkVertexInfo3D Product Availability
esriOriginalSegmentMapping Product Availability
esriRelationPair Describes a pair of elements that belong to some spatial relation.
esriSRHorizon Remarks
GeocentricTranslation Creates a geocentric translation.
Geographic2DOffsetTransformation Creates a geographic 2D offset transformation.
GeographicCoordinateSystem Creates a geographic coordinate system.
GeometryArray Product Availability
GeometryBag An ordered collection of objects that support the IGeometry interface.
GeometryEnvironment Provides a way of creating geometries from different inputs and setting/getting global variables for controlling behavior of geometry methods.
GeometryServerImpl Provides access to standard operations on geometric 'value' objects.
GeoTransformation Generic geotransformation class, holds either a WKT (string) or a WKID (factory code).
GeoTransformationOperationSet Stores a set of geographic transformation operators (GT + direction).
HARNTransformation Creates a HARN-based transformation.
IBufferProgressProxy Implemented by clients to receive reports of buffer operation progress.
IConstructDomainExtent2Proxy Constructs a Z/M domain extent from the specified extent and information from a spatial reference.
IControlPrecision3Proxy IControlPrecision3 interface.
IEnumCurve2Proxy Provides access to members that extend IEnumCurve.
IEnumCurveProxy Provides access to members that allow efficient construction of sequential subcurves along a polyline or polygon.
IEnumIntersectionProxy Not currently used.
IEnumPointAndDistanceProxy Provides access to members that iterate over the points on a geometry that are closest to an input point, as returned by QueryPointsAndDistances.
IEnumSegmentProxy Provides access to members that iterate over collections of segments (obtained from the EnumSegments property on the ISegmentCollection interface).
IEnumSplitPointProxy Provides access to members that iterate over the new vertices in a geometry introduced as a result of using SplitAtPoints/SplitAtDistances.
IEnumVertex2Proxy Provides access to members that extend IEnumVertex.
IEnumVertexProxy Provides access to members that iterate over the vertices or points of a geometry (see the EnumVertices property of the IPointCollection interface).
IESRISegment2Proxy Product Availability
IESRISegmentProxy Superseded By
IESRIShape2Proxy Provides access to methods for non-byte swapping and angular densification export in addition to those in IESRIShape.
IESRIShapeProxy Provides access to members that Import/Export ArcObjects geometries to Esri shapefile format.
IExtrude2Proxy Provides access to members that can be used to take a geometry and connect it to a translated version of itself to generate a higher-dimensional geometry.
IFunctionalSurface3Proxy Provides access to members that allow fuller interpolation of polygonal patches.
IGeometricBufferSourceSinkProxy Client-supplied interface that provides support for buffering a group of geometries by different distances.
IGeometryArrayProxy Description
IMSegmentationInternalProxy Provides access to members that allow certain MSegmentation functionality, similar to that on IMSegmentation3 but more limited.
IMultiPatch2Proxy Provides access to members that permit controlled access to MultiPatch parts.
INetworkShape3DProxy Product Availability
INetworkShapeProxy Product Availability
INormalAwareProxy Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have persistent normal vectors values attached to coordinates.
IPartIDAwareProxy Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have part IDs.
IPointArrayProxy Description
IPolycurve3Proxy Provides access to members that extend IPolycurve with additional splitting and densification methods.
IPolygonArrayProxy Provides access to the IPolygonArray Interface.
IPolyline6Proxy Provides access to members that extend a polyline object.
IPolylineArrayProxy Provides access to the IPolylineArray Interface.
IRelationalOperatorNxMProxy Provides access to members that determines which pairs of geometries from two sets are in a specified relation.
IRelationResultArrayProxy Description
ISegmentGraph2Proxy Provides access to members that define and navigate a topologically structured collection of segments.
ISegmentGraphCursorProxy Provides access to members that define and manipulate a way of navigating over segments topologically structured within a segment graph.
ISegmentZ2Proxy Provides access to members that allow manipulations of segments with Zs.
ITextureAwareProxy Indicator interface that identifies geometries that can have persistent texture values attached to coordinates.
ITopologicalSegment2Proxy Provides access to members that extend the ITopologicalSegment interface.
ITopologicalSegmentProxy Provides access to members that identify segments that can participate in topological operations (intersect, etc).
IVertexAttribute2Proxy additional operations for geometries that can have attributes (z, m, id) on their vertices.
IVertexAttributeProxy Identifies geometries that can have attributes on their vertices.
IWin32Shape2Proxy Provides access to members that prepare a set of GDI drawing instructions for a geometry.
IWin32ShapeProxy Provides access to members that prepare a set of GDI drawing instructions for a geometry.
IWkbProxy Reads/Writes the OGIS OLE/COM simple features Well Known Binary Format, v1.1, little-endian (NDR).
JSONConverterGeometry Product Availability
Line A 2D straight line between a pair of 2D endpoints; can optionally have height, measure and ID attributes at each endpoint.
LinearUnit Creates a linear unit of measure.
LinePolygonHelper Helper class for processing of polygons consisting of rings formed from linear segments
LongitudeRotationTransformation Creates a longitude rotation transformation.
MolodenskyBadekasTransformation Creates a Molodensky-Badekas transformation.
MolodenskyTransformation Creates a Molodensky transformation.
MultiPatch A collection of surface patches.
Multipoint An ordered collection of points; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.
NADCONTransformation Creates a NADCON-based transformation.
NTv2Transformation Creates a NTv2-based transformation.
NullTransformation Creates a null geographic transformation.
Parameter Creates a parameter.
Path A sequence of connected segments.
Point A two dimensional point, optionally with measure, height, and ID attributes.
PointArray Product Availability
Polygon A collection of rings ordered by their containment relationship; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.
PolygonArray A collection of Polygon objects.
Polyline An ordered collection of paths; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes.
PolylineArray A collection of Polyline objects.
PositionVectorTransformation Creates a Position Vector transformation.
PrimeMeridian Creates a prime meridian.
ProjectedCoordinateSystem Creates a projected coordinate system.
Projection Creates a map projection.
ProjectiveTransformation2D A two dimensional projective transformation.
Ray A 3D ray that begins at a point and extends infinitely along a line in one direction only.
RelationResult The indexes of geometrybag elements that are in a specified relation.
RelationResultArray Product Availability
Ring An area bounded by one, closed sequence of connected segments; optionally has measure, height and ID attributes at each vertex.
SegmentGraph A topologically structured collection of segments.
SpatialReferenceEnvironment Creates various spatial reference objects.
Sphere A complete sphere.
Spheroid Creates a spheroid.
TexturePersistenceProperties Texture Persistence properties object.
TriangleFan A continuous 3D fan of triangles, where each triangle after the first shares an edge with the preceding triangle, and all triangles share a common pivot point.
Triangles A collection of 3D triangles, where each consecutive triplet of vertices defines a new triangle
TriangleStrip A continuous 3D strip of triangles, where each triangle after the first shares an edge with the preceding triangle.
UnitChangeTransformation Creates a unit change transformation.
UnknownCoordinateSystem Creates an unknown coordinate system.
Vector3D A 3D vector containing dx, dy, and dz components.
VerticalCoordinateSystem Creates a vertical coordinate system.
VerticalDatum Creates a vertical datum.

Package com.esri.arcgis.geometry Description

The Geometry library contains the core geometry objects, such as Point, Polygon, Polyline, etc. along with Geometry types and definitions. The Geometry library also defines and implements the spatial reference objects for both projected and geographic coordinate systems.

For information on how to use this package, see the object model diagram.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.