最近设施点求解程序属性 (arcpy)
属性 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
travelDirection (只读) |
The direction of travel between facilities and incidents. This property returns the following keywords:
| String |
defaultTargetFacilityCount (只读) |
The default number of closest facilities to find per incident. | Integer |
defaultCutoff (只读) |
The default impedance value at which to stop searching for facilities for a given incident. If no cutoff value is specified in the network analysis layer, the property returns an empty string. | Double |
cfRoutesShape (只读) |
The shape type for the route features that are output by the solver. This property returns the following keywords:
| String |
timeOfDay (只读) | Indicates the time and date at which the routes begin or end. The interpretation of this value depends on whether timeOfDayUsage property is set to START_TIME or END_TIME. | String |
timeOfDayUsage (只读) | Indicates whether the value of the timeOfDay property represents the arrival or departure times for the routes. This property returns the following keywords:
| String |