Split Features (Defense Mapping)
国防制图 tool that splits features in batch for any number of polyline or polygon target feature classes using the cutting features, and inserts points on the cutting feature.
Target features will be divided into multiple features at any point they intersect the source features.
Source features will have new vertices added at any point where they intersect the target features.
SplitFeatures_defense (cutting_features, target_features, use_target_z)
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
cutting_features |
The source features used to split target features at intersection points of the feature class geometries. | Feature Layer |
target_features |
The features that will be divided by the source/cutting features. | Feature Layer |
use_target_z | Determines the source of the z value from the source or target.
| Boolean |
This script demonstrates how to use Split Features.
# Name: SplitFeatures_Example.py
# Description: Split road features by AOI polygons
# Requirements: Esri Defense Mapping solution
# Import the Arcpy module
import arcpy
# Check out Defense Mapping extension
# Set up the gp environment
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = 1
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:\Data\MGCP_TRD4.gdb"
arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = r"C:\Data\SplitFeatures.gdb"
# Declare paths to AOI features and polyline features
AOIFeatures = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\EsriDefenseMapping\Desktop10.2\ReferenceData\MapIndex.mdb\MapIndex\TLM50_Index"
polylineFeautres = r"C:\Data\MGCP_TRD4.gdb\MGCP\RoadL"
# Create feature layers of the AOI
arcpy.management.MakeFeatureLayer(AOIFeatures, "AOIFeatures")
# Select specific AOIs
selection = "NRN = 'E732X57714'"
arcpy.management.SelectLayerByAttribute("AOIFeatures", "NEW_SELECTION", selection)
# Execute Split Features tool
arcpy.defense.SplitFeatures("AOIFeatures", polylineFeautres, "YES")