Creating the master ArcSDE geodatabase in Oracle (Maritime Charting)

This workflow provides steps for creating the master ArcSDE geodatabase that keeps track of the user-schema geodatabases in Oracle.

Creating the geodatabase

The Create Enterprise Geodatabase geoprocessing tool does the following:

  • Creates the geodatabase administrator user and default tablespace (if not created manually)
  • Grants the geodatabase administrator privileges to create a geodatabase and drop database connections (if not granted manually)
  • Populates geodatabase system tables and stored procedures in the database
  • Authorizes ArcSDE using the ArcGIS Server Enterprise license file

To run the Create Enterprise Geodatabase tool, you must install an Oracle client on the computer where ArcGIS for Desktop is installed. You also need a valid ArcGIS for Server authorization file (.ecp).

  1. 启动 ArcCatalog 或 ArcMap。
  2. 打开创建企业级地理数据库 地理处理工具。

    搜索 窗口中搜索工具,或直接从“数据库管理”工具箱的“地理数据库管理”工具集中打开工具的对话框。

  3. 数据库平台下拉列表中选择 Oracle
  4. 提供连接到 Oracle 实例所需的信息。
    • 如果已经将 Oracle 客户端配置为使用 TNS 网络别名,则请在实例文本框中输入 Net 服务别名。
    • 如果尚未配置 Oracle 客户端的网络别名,请在实例文本框中输入 Oracle Easy Connection 字符串。

    有关可能值列表的信息,请参阅 ArcGIS for Desktop 中的数据库连接

  5. 数据库管理员密码文本框中输入 sys 用户的密码。
  6. 地理数据库管理员文本框中输入地理数据库管理员的名称。

    For a master ArcSDE geodatabase, the geodatabase administrator must be named sde. If a user with that name does not already exist in the database, the tool creates it and grants it the privileges necessary to create a geodatabase. If the user already exists, the required privileges are granted to it.

  7. 地理数据库管理员密码文本框中输入地理数据库管理员的密码。

    如果数据库中已存在您指定的地理数据库管理员,请确保为现有用户输入正确的密码;此工具不会更改密码。如果创建的是 sde 用户,则输入的密码会在创建 sde 用户时使用。

  8. 为地理数据库管理员指定表空间。
    • 如果拥有可用于地理数据库资料档案库的预配置表空间,则可在表空间名称文本框中输入其名称。
    • 如果想要此工具为您创建表空间,可在表空间名称文本框中输入有效的名称,该工具会在 Oracle 默认位置创建一个 400 MB 的表空间。如果不输入表空间名称,则会创建 SDE_TBS 表空间,并将其设置为 sde 用户的默认表空间。
  9. 要指定授权文件,浏览到在授权 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise 时创建的密钥代码文件,选择该文件。

    将该文件写入 Windows 服务器上的 \\Program Files\ESRI\License<release#>\sysgen 文件夹和 Linux 上的 /arcgis/server/framework/runtime/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ESRI/License<release#>/sysgen 文件夹。如果您尚未执行过此操作,请立即授权 ArcGIS for Server 创建此文件。

  10. 单击确定以运行工具。

Customizing ArcSDE initialization parameters

If users will connect to the enterprise geodatabase using an ArcSDE service, you need to configure the TCPKEEPALIVE ArcSDE initialization parameter to 1 (TRUE) for the master geodatabase and each user-schema geodatabase.


Changes do not take effect until the ArcSDE service has been restarted.

You may update these parameters directly in the SERVER_CONFIG table. Execute the following commands as the sys user in SQL*Plus.

update sde.server_config set num_prop_value = 1 where prop_name = 'TCPKEEPALIVE';

Alternately, the following command can be run at the command prompt of a machine where the ArcSDE administration command line tools are installed.

sdeconfig -o alter -v TCPKEEPALIVE=TRUE -i <service> -u sde -p <sde_password>

Validating database objects

It is advisable to verify the SDE schema's objects in your database. Ensure that all the ArcSDE schema's procedures, packages, and triggers are valid and all the related constraints are enabled. Execute the following query as the sys user in SQL*Plus.

select * from dba_objects where status != 'VALID';

If any objects owned by the ArcSDE schema are reported as invalid, you need to recompile them using the following SQL*Plus command as sys user.


The compile_all => FALSE option compiles only invalid objects, whereas TRUE, which is the default, will compile all objects regardless of status.

exec dbms_utility.compile_schema( 'SDE', compile_all =>  FALSE );

Creating spatial database connection files

Create spatial database connection files for the ArcSDE user (master ArcSDE geodatabase owner).

  1. 启动 ArcCatalog 或 ArcMap。
  2. Double-click the Database Connections folder in the Catalog tree to expand it.
  3. 双击添加数据库连接

    将打开数据库连接 对话框。

  4. Choose Oracle from the Database Platform drop-down list.
  5. ArcGIS for Desktop 中的数据库连接中的描述提供相应的连接信息。
  6. You can enter the Oracle Net service alias if it has been configured, or the Oracle Easy Connection string.

  7. Click the Authentication Type drop-down arrow and choose Database authentication.
  8. Type the ArcSDE user name and password.
  9. 单击确定

For the convenience of all other users, this connection file can be moved to a central location from where it can be accessed.
