What's new in ArcGIS for Maritime:Charting (Maritime Charting)
With the latest release, ArcGIS for Maritime:Charting added tools, enhanced functionality, and deprecated functionality.
New at 10.2.2
Chart Automation
The Chart Automation tool has been updated so that it also runs on products that are not part of the product library database. Now, by providing a polygon extent layer, scale, and database in the parameters under the new Independent Product category, the tool can run on a product that has been created by importing and creating data in the Nautical Chart data model.
Deprecated functionality
- The Cascade Master/Slave Deletes Activated property was removed from the Production Properties dialog box.
New at 10.2.1 and updates
The latest update can be downloaded from the Esri Support site. The following changes can be found in the latest update.
New tool
The Nautical Delete tool replaces the ArcGIS for Desktop Delete tool on the Standard toolbar and the Edit menu on the main menu. With it, you can quickly delete large sets of features while additionally cleaning and maintaining relationships stored in the Collections and FREL tables.
Chart Automation is a script tool that runs selected chart finishing processes on the chart panels associated with the data frames in the current map document. Processes include adding layers to the TOC, generating cartographic limits, creating grids and graticules, converting labels to annotation, and masking annotation.
Relationship Manager
Several enhancements have been made to the Relationship Manager window.
- The Batch Create command was replaced with Batch Create Selected Features and Batch Create Current Extent.
- The Show Available Slaves command has been deprecated. Potential slave features are now shown by default under the possible master feature.
- The tree view customization options have been updated and you can now use the Filters and View Relationships By areas.
- Multiple workspaces are now supported. The window shows all loaded workspaces in the tree view; however, during an edit session, it only shows the edit workspace.
Other enhancements
- Batch Copy Paste now asks you if you want to keep the source compilation scale when pasting features or that of the target workspace.
- The New Nautical Product wizard now supports custom extraction. You can choose to postpone the database creation and edit the product's custom extraction settings.
Deprecated functionality
- The Export NOTES.RAT tool was removed from the Nautical DNC toolbar and the workflow was replaced with the Convert DNC GDB To VPF tool.
- S-57 Relationship, SOE Validation, and Feature Rectangularity checks have been deprecated; validation is now performed with the Generate QC Cell tool.
- The command for selecting the workspace has been removed from the Relationship Manager dialog box since it now supports multiple workspaces.
New at 10.2 and updates
The latest update can be downloaded from the Esri Support site. The following changes can be found in the latest update.
New tools
- Suspend Refresh is a new tool on the Nautical Editing Cartography toolbar that allows you to disable data frame refreshing when you are using the data view in ArcMap.
- S-58 Log To Reviewer Table is a new Python script tool in the Validation toolset of the Nautical Tools toolbox that allows you to import log files from DKart/L-3 into the Reviewer workspace.
- Edit Light Sector is a new tool on the Nautical Editing Cartography toolbar that allows you to edit marine light arcs and segments without affecting light sector angles.
- Generate QC Cell is a new tool on the Nautical toolbar that allows you to generate a QC cell from the NIS database for quality control purposes.
- Group Layers by Theme is a new tool on the Nautical DNC toolbar that groups layers defined by the GROUPTHEME field in the DBS_FC_VVT table.
- Convert DNC GDB To VPF is a new geoprocessing tool that is also available on the Nautical DNC toolbar. It supports exporting geodatabase data to the VPF standard.
- Displace Depth Annotation is a new tool on the Nautical Editing Cartography toolbar that allows you to show sounding values out of position in accordance with section B-412.2 of the IHO paper chart standard, S-4.
- Verify Selected Features is a new tool on the Nautical toolbar that runs only on selected features and sets the VERIFIED field (and NIS_VERIFIED field in the NIS database) to True.
- You can now view which agency is set in the Agency/FIDS Property in the Production Properties dialog box.
- Data is now imported into the default version for products in a desktop environment.
- ENC, CHART, and NIS schemas are updated with the latest nautical symbology.
- You can now choose to build specific extension tables when creating the product library and production database in the Select Extensions dialog box.
- The extension name in the Extensions dialog box in both ArcMap and ArcCatalog was changed to Maritime Charting.
Deprecated functionality
- The Convert DNC GDB To VPF geoprocessing tool was removed; the functionality is still available and was enhanced in the Convert DNC GDB To VPF tool on the Nautical DNC toolbar.
- The Relationship Manager dialog box Start Append, Do Append, and Copy Append commands have been replaced with Append and Copy.
- The Align Representation Markers geoprocessing tool was removed from the Cartography toolset.
- The Compilation Scale Value, Show Compilation Scale Message Box, and Cascade Move Master/Slave Features options have been removed from the Production Properties dialog box. However, you can still set the compilation scale using the Compilation Scale tool.
- The Fixed Value method for the SCAMIN value was removed.
- Spatial (_S) and Reviewer (_R) batch jobs were removed; Attribute batch jobs are still present.