Importing VPF data into an existing geodatabase (Maritime Charting)
The Convert VPF Data To Geodatabase tool allows you to import Vector Product Format (VPF) data into an existing personal or file geodatabase. Sources that can be imported using this tool include Digital Nautical Chart (DNC), Vector Map (VMap 0, VMap 1, and VMap 2), Urban Vector Map (UVMap), Foundation Feature Data (FFD), and Vector Interim Terrain Data (VITD). When VPF data is imported, there are several steps that must be followed:
- Select the product type.
- If DNC data is being imported, select the scale.
- Determine whether you want to import RAT/Notes.
- Choose the library to import.
- Choose the feature classes to be imported.
- Start ArcCatalog.
Add the Convert VPF Data To Geodatabase tool by doing the following:
- On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.
The Customize dialog box appears.
- Click the Commands tab.
- In the Categories list, click Production Import Export.
- Click and drag the Convert VPF Data To Geodatabase button
to a toolbar.
- Click Close.
- On the main menu, click Customize > Customize Mode.
- Click the Convert VPF Data To Geodatabase button
The VPF Data To Geodatabase dialog box appears.
Choose a product in the Product Type area.
If Digital Nautical Chart (DNC) is chosen, you must then choose the type of scale within which the VPF data exists. The four options are Approach, Coastal, General, and Harbor.
- If you want to import notes/RAT, choose Yes in the Import Notes/RAT area.
- Leave the Create Geodatabase On Import option set to No.
Click Next.
The Navigate to VPF Data dialog box appears.
Click the browse button next to the Select VPF Data Path text box.
The Browser for VPF Data appears.
- Browse to the workspace that contains the VPF data and click Open.
- Choose one library in the Select a library to import into the geodatabase list.
- To import only specific feature classes from the selected libraries, check the Select Specific Feature Classes check box.
Click Next.
The Select Feature Class(es) dialog box appears.
When you are finished choosing the feature classes to import, click Next.
The Navigate to Geodatabase dialog box appears.
Click the browse button next to the Select Personal Geodatabase Path text box.
The Browse for Geodatabase dialog box appears.
Browse to the geodatabase to which the VPF data will be imported and click Open.
The Navigate to Geodatabase dialog box appears.
- Click Next.
The features are imported and the Populate Geodatabase dialog box appears.
- 单击完成。
The data is imported into the geodatabase.