Importing and baselining existing ENC data (Maritime Charting)

This section is for working with existing S-57 data that requires modifications within the geodatabase. If you need to create a new ENC cell, please see Creating new ENC data.

If you have existing ENC data that needs to be imported into the geodatabase for further modifications, you need to first baseline your data within the geodatabase. The baselining process consists of the following steps:

  1. Importing your ENC cell into the production database (desktop only)
  2. Checking out the ENC production database
  3. Reconciling and posting to DEFAULT
  4. Creating an edit version from DEFAULT (desktop only)
  5. Preparing data for export to S-57 format
  6. Exporting a New Edition dataset file

The following sections cover these steps in detail.

Importing your ENC cell into the production database

The first step of the baseline process is creating your production database and importing your ENC cell into the production database, which is performed using the New Nautical Product wizard. Both creating the production database and importing the ENC cell are done by the wizard.

Before you can access the New Nautical Product wizard, you must have a product library set up and configured for the desktop production workflow. This means that a product class should be configured for the ENC product you want to create and a series created.


You need to set the required Nautical properties before launching the New Nautical Product wizard.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

    Product Library tree view
  3. If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
  4. Right-click the series for which you want to create a product and click New Nautical Product.

    The Overview area of the New Nautical Product wizard appears.

  5. Overview dialog box for a desktop S-57 product

  6. Review the content in the Overview area.
  7. 单击下一步
  8. Click Import Existing Cell.
    Desktop Product Creation Workflow dialog box
  9. Click the ellipsis (...) button and browse to the location where your ENC S-57 cell is stored.
  10. 单击确定
  11. 单击下一步
  12. The summary shows the ENC S-57 cell's header information stored within the metadata table.
  13. Review the summary.
  14. If necessary, click Back to go back to the creation method and make any corrections.
  15. Click Finish.

    A progress dialog box appears with the status of the creation process.

  16. The progress dialog box provides detailed updates of the overall process which includes:
    • Creating the product and instance tree nodes
    • Creating the production database
    • Importing the applicable ENC schema into the production database
    • Enabling versioning and archiving for the applicable production database items
    • Importing the ENC S-57 cell into the production database
    • Checking the production database into the product library
  17. Click OK when the process completes.

Checking out the ENC production database

After the New Nautical Product wizard has successfully created your ENC production database and imported your ENC cell into the production database, you need to check out the production database from the product library. This process attaches the ENC production database, which is either an ArcSDE geodatabase for SQL Server Express licensed for ArcGIS for Desktop or ArcSDE geodatabase for SQL Server Express licensed for ArcGIS for Server Workgroup, to the local SQL Express server.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. In the Product Library tree view, right-click the ENC product and click Check Out Product.

    You need to define a temporary file location to store the production database as it gets created.

    A progress dialog box appears with the status of the check out product process.

  3. Click OK when the process is complete.
  4. In ArcMap, expand the Catalog window and expand Database Servers.
  5. If necessary, double-click the SQL Express instance name to connect to it.
  6. Expand the SQL Express instance.


    You should see your ENC production database listed.

  7. Expand your ENC production database and drag the Nautical feature dataset into the map document data view.


    If the Check Out process failed and you do not see your ENC production database under the SQL Express instance, look within the temporary file location for the .mdf file. If the file is there, you can manually attach the .mdf to your SQL Express instance.

Reconciling and posting to DEFAULT

After successfully importing your ENC data into the applicable production database, you need to reconcile and post the data into the DEFAULT version.

  1. Connect to the import version in ArcMap.
  2. Click the Production Start Editing button Production Start Editing on the Production Editing toolbar.

    The Manage Features and Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes windows automatically appear when you start an edit session using the Production Start Editing tool.


    If the Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes window does not appear when you start an edit session, click the Show/Hide Attributes button Show/Hide Attributes on the Manage Features window.

  3. Click the Reconcile button 协调 on the Nautical toolbar.
  4. Click the Nautical Post button Nautical Post on the Nautical toolbar.

    The data stored in your production database is moved into the DEFAULT parent version.

Creating an edit version from DEFAULT (desktop only)

If working in a desktop production environment, you need to stop the edit session after posting to the DEFAULT version, connect to the DEFAULT version, and create an edit version from DEFAULT. Make sure you connect to your edit version before moving to the next step.

  1. 使用下列方法之一打开版本管理器对话框:
    • 在目录树中,右键单击地理数据库连接,指向管理,单击管理地理数据库,然后单击版本选项卡。
    • 在 ArcMap 中,单击“版本管理”工具条上的版本管理器按钮。
  2. 要创建新版本,右键单击用于获得新版本的原始版本,然后单击新建

    将弹出新建版本 对话框。

  3. 输入新版本的名称。

    版本名称的长度不能超过 62 个字符。

  4. (可选)输入此版本的描述。

    您可以使用版本描述来提供有关版本用途的附加信息。描述内容的长度不能超过 62 个字符。

  5. 选择版本所需的访问权限级别:私有、公有或受保护的。
  6. 单击确定创建新版本。

Performing quality control on S-57 data

After the data has been edited, and prior to export to S-57 format, quality control procedures must be performed. This ensures that invalid or missing features are found and corrected prior to exporting. The following steps outline using the ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop functionality to perform batch validation.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, load data in the map.
  3. 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > Data Reviewer
  4. Data Reviewer 工具条上单击检查器会话管理器按钮 检查器会话管理器

    将弹出检查器会话管理器 对话框。

  5. 在“检查器工作空间”区域中单击浏览

    将弹出检查器工作空间 对话框。

  6. 导航至将用于存储检查器数据集的地理数据库。
  7. 单击添加
  8. 单击新建启动新的检查器会话。

    检查器工作空间属性 对话框出现。

  9. 选择空间参考选项。
    • 使用默认空间参考 (WGS-84) - 将检查器数据集的空间参考设置为 GCS_WGS_1984。这是 ArcMap 的默认空间参考。
    • 使用活动数据框的空间参考 - 检查器数据集的空间参考与活动数据框的空间参考相匹配。
    • 浏览至空间参考 - 将检查器数据集的空间参考设置为所选的空间参考。


  10. 单击确定

    会话区域中的 ID名称文本框将自动填充。

  11. 如有必要,在名称文本框中输入与当前检查器会话相对应的自定义名称。

    默认情况下,名称与 ID 匹配。

  12. 如果您正在使用ArcSDE geodatabase for SQL Server Express licensed for ArcGIS for Desktop,则单击检查器数据集版本下拉箭头并选择要使用的版本。
  13. 单击启动会话


  14. 单击关闭
  15. Data Reviewer 工具条上,单击检查器批处理验证按钮 检查器批处理验证

    将弹出批量验证 对话框。


  16. Click Add from Product Library.

    The Choose Batch Job(s) dialog box appears.

    Choose Batch Job(s) dialog box
  17. In the Production Database area, click the Version drop-down arrow and choose the edit version created in the Creating an edit version from DEFAULT section (previous section).
  18. Click the Choose Product Class drop-down arrow and choose the appropriate ENC product class.

    The Choose Batch Job(s) list populates with the associated batch job for the ENC product.


    The ArcGIS for Maritime:Charting also includes Reviewer batch jobs for ENC S-58 data validation.

  19. In the Choose Batch Job(s) list, select the batch jobs listed.
  20. Click OK.

    将弹出批处理验证 对话框。批处理作业中的校验显示在“批处理作业”区域中。

    如果批处理作业中引用了多个工作空间,将弹出更新至单个工作空间 对话框,可以从中选择要使用批处理作业验证的工作空间。

    如果 ArcMap 中只有一个工作空间,则批处理作业的工作空间将自动更新到当前工作空间。


    要从批量验证 对话框的“批处理作业”区域移除批处理作业组,单击该批处理作业组并单击移除。如果“批处理作业”区域中只列出一个批处理作业组,则还将删除默认校验。要快速选择和取消选择校验,还可以通过右键单击“批处理作业”区域,使用选择所有组取消选择所有组来实现。


    To view the parameter values for a batch job, click the check name in the Batch Jobs area, then click the plus sign (+) that appears.

  21. 或者,单击全部验证,从而确保校验对应的所有要素类都将加载到地图中并且所有默认校验都会添加进来。

    默认校验选项卡的检查器会话管理器 对话框中选择默认校验

  22. Choose the Full Database option located in the Features to Validate area.

    The Features to Validate option you choose will be based on your production environment. When validating data in the desktop workflow on the production database, choose the Full Database option. When validating data in the enterprise workflow, you should validate your product's data within the NIS database, as that is where any corrections must be made. When validating data in the NIS, first set your feature display settings to the appropriate product scale, then zoom to the extent of your product AOI and choose to validate based on Current Extent.

  23. In the Batch Jobs tree view, ensure that all items are checked.
  24. 单击运行

    将批处理作业添加到批量验证 对话框后,可以最小化或最大化批处理作业中的组。该操作还会最小化和最大化所包含的默认校验。


  25. Click OK.

    Any errors that are found are written to the Reviewer table automatically.

  26. If errors are found, open the Reviewer table to see the mandatory attribute errors.

Preparing data for export to S-57 format

Prior to exporting from the geodatabase to S-57 format, the ENC data must be quality controlled by running the S-58 quality control checks against it with the Reviewer Batch Validate tool to ensure proper attribute encoding. Once the quality control process is complete, the data is prepared for export from the geodatabase to S-57 format by running the Update Primitives tool and executing Nautical Post.

You should be connected to your CM version if in an enterprise production environment, and to your edit version if in a desktop production environment, before you run the Update Primitives tool.

  1. Click the Production Start Editing button Production Start Editing on the Production Editing toolbar.

    The Manage Features and Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes windows automatically appear when you start an edit session using the Production Start Editing tool.


    If the Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes window does not appear when you start an edit session, click the Show/Hide Attributes button Show/Hide Attributes on the Manage Features window.

  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Nautical S-57.
  3. Click the Update Primitives button Update Primitives on the Nautical S-57 toolbar.

    A message appears asking if you want to clean unnecessary nodes. If the check box is checked, the Update Primitives tool removes any unnecessary VC nodes and merges the remaining vector edges together.


    It is recommended that you check the Clean unnecessary nodes check box if it's the first time you are using this tool after importing a cell.

  4. Click OK to update the cell.

    The tool begins to run, and you see a progress bar. When the process is complete, you are prompted to view the log file.

  5. Choose an option:
    • Yes—If you want to view the log file.
    • No—If you don't want to view the log files.

    The location of the log files generated by the tool is different depending on your operating system:

    • On Windows XP, log files are written to <Installation location>\Documents and Settings\<User Login>\Application Data\ESRI\Production10.2.2\Nautical\.
    • On Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008, log files are written to <Installation location>\Users\<UserLogin>\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Production10.2.2\NAUTICAL\.
    If the location doesn't exist, the tool creates the space for it. The log file is saved in XML format.


    If linear or point feature records hold conflicting P_QUAPOS and/or P_POSACC values during the Update Primitives process, the resulting spatial feature is listed in the log file describing the attribute conflict. For example, if two recently inserted BOYLAT and FOGSIG point features are spatially coincident but hold different values for P_QUAPOS, then the resulting vector isolated spatial feature will be listed in the log file showing the two different QUAPOS values. Since the vector isolated node feature is still created via Update Primitives, you can modify this feature with the correct QUAPOS value.

  6. If you choose to view the log file, close it when you are finished reviewing it to complete the process.
  7. Click the Nautical Post button Nautical Post on the Nautical toolbar.

    If the Nautical Post button is disabled, you must first reconcile any changes or run Update Primitives.


    If you have unverified features in your edit version, a message appears notifying you that there are unverified features found in your version. You must verify all features before clicking the Nautical Post button again. The Select Unverified Features tool can help you find these features and review them.

Exporting a New Edition dataset file

The final step of the baseline process is exporting a New Edition file that contains all your geometry upgrades from the Update Primitives process.

If you need to perform general editing tasks on your existing ENC product, see Editing ENC features and continue with the rest of the steps in these procedures before exporting.

  1. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

    Product Library tree view
  2. Navigate to and check out the product you want to export with the Open check box checked on the Check Out Product dialog box.
  3. Right-click the product and click Export Nautical Product.

    The ENC Export dialog box Export Information area appears.

    ENC Export dialog box – Export Information area

  4. Click the S-57 Export Type drop-down arrow and choose New Edition.
  5. Click the ellipsis button (...) in the Export Location area and browse to the location where you want to store your package.

    If you previously exported from the product library, the output location you chose appears in the Export Location area.

  6. Optionally, skip the next section and click Next if you don't want to attach files.

Attaching files

You have the option to attach files to your package, such as a supporting text or image file.

  1. Click Add in the Attach Files area.

    The Insert File dialog box appears.

  2. Navigate to the location where the files you want to attach are stored.
  3. Choose the files you want to add.

    Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys to select multiple files if necessary.

  4. 单击打开
  5. 提示提示:

    If you previously exported from the product library, the output location you chose appears in the Export Location area.

  6. 单击下一步

Adding metadata

You can view and modify your product's metadata values. The metadata is divided into two sections you can modify:

  • Product level—Contains the DSID (Dataset Identification) and DSSI (Dataset Structure Information) fields found in an S-57 file. DSID provides information regarding the dataset's source and product description information. DSSI provides information concerning the structure of the dataset.
  • Instance level—Contains the DSPM (Data Set Parameters) fields that allow you to define the types of measurement units and data used with the S-57 cell.

Each node in the metadata view represents the DSID, DSSI, and DSPM S-57 field. The left side of the view shows the metadata fields and the right side shows the values. You can input new values in the fields that are not disabled.

The metadata options are different depending on the task you are performing. For example, if you are exporting a New Edition file, you can set the Vertical Datum; however, if you are exporting an Update file, you cannot change this value.

Product metadata (DSID and DSSI)

You can add a comment, edit the Issue Date for new editions, and edit the Update Application date for DSID. You can edit the ATTF and NATF lexical levels for DSSI.

  1. If necessary, click the cell next to Comment and type a comment for the Data Set Identification.
  2. If necessary, click the ellipsis button (...) next to Update Application Date and select your product's S-57 update application date.
  3. If necessary, click the ellipsis button (...) next to Issue Date and select your product's S-57 issue date.
  4. Click the cell next to ATTF lexical level and click the ellipsis button (...) that appears.
  5. Specify the appropriate information.

    Lexical levels 0 and 1 are supported per the S-57 IHO Transfer Standard Edition 3.1, part 3, section 2.4.

  6. Click the cell next to NATF lexical level and click the ellipsis button (...) that appears.
  7. Specify the appropriate information.

    Lexical levels 0, 1, and 2 are supported.

  8. Click Next if you are finished updating the metadata information or continue to update the instance metadata.

Instance metadata (DSPM)

You can define the types of measurement units and data used with the S-57 cell.

  1. If necessary, click the cell next to Comment and type a comment for the Data Set Structure Information.
  2. If necessary, click the cell next to Coordinate Multiplication factor and type the multiplication factor.
  3. If necessary, click the cell next to Compilation scale of data and add your S-57 product's compilation scale value.

    The SCAMIN tool references the compilation scale of data value to autopopulate the SCAMIN attribute field on the applicable feature records.

  4. If necessary, click the cell next to the Sounding Datum and choose the appropriate sounding datum.
  5. If necessary, click the cell next to the Units of depth measurement to choose the appropriate unit for depth fields.

    The corresponding DEPTH value of the specified units (that is, DEPTH_M field value for meters) is exported instead of the value in the source field in the geodatabase (that is, DEPTH).

  6. If necessary, click the cell next to the Units in height measurement field and choose the appropriate unit for height fields.

    The corresponding DEPTH value of the specified units (that is, DEPTH_M field value for meters) is exported instead of the value in the source field in the geodatabase (that is, DEPTH).

  7. If necessary, click the cell next to the Unit in positional accuracy field and choose the appropriate unit for positional accuracy fields.

    The corresponding DEPTH value of the specified units (that is, DEPTH_M field value for meters) is exported instead of the value in the source field in the geodatabase (that is, DEPTH).

  8. If necessary, click the cell next to the Vertical Datum field and choose the appropriate vertical datum.

Viewing the export summary

You can review your export type and metadata entries before exporting your package.

ENC Export dialog box – Export Summary area

  1. Scroll through the export summary and verify that your export type, export location, export version, and any attached files are correct.
  2. Review the metadata summary.
  3. If any errors are found, click Back to go back and make any necessary changes.
  4. Once you have reviewed and made any necessary changes, click Finish.

    A progress dialog box appears showing the export process. When the process completes, a path to your export package is listed.

  5. Click OK to close the progress dialog box.

    You can navigate to the location of the export and open the export package. The package is also stored in the product library at the product level. You can view the export package through the file manager.

You have now baselined your ENC product.
