Annotation styles for grids (Maritime Charting)

The Grids and Graticules Designer uses annotation feature classes to display grid text. Displayed text is not dynamic. If the data frame properties (scale, extent, and rotation) are changed after a grid is created, the annotation properties will not automatically adjust to these changes.

Annotation components can be created from either points or endpoints. Preset styles are selected for you based on the coordinate system of the point or endpoint component from which the annotation is derived.

Anno General tab

The style options are provided based on the coordinate system type of the annotation's first parent component. For example, if a particular annotation component is generated for an endpoint based on a grid line that is using an ancillary geographic coordinate system, only geographic style options are available. Each style option has preset groupings that can be symbolized differently or disabled.

Each style has a preset number of annotation groups, and each group can have its own unique symbol. The number of groups displayed in the Groupings tree view corresponds to the graphic associated with its style. The graphic indicates the number of splits and where they occur.

The following options are only available when the parent component is using a geographic coordinate system. This includes gridlines, segments, points, and ticks.

Style name




Decimal Degrees

Displays the location in decimal degrees

Decimal Degrees style

The character symbols for degrees or cardinal direction are not populated automatically. These character strings must be entered manually on the Anno General tab, in the Suffix text field, for the appropriate group.

Degrees, Minutes, Seconds

Displays the location in degrees, minutes, seconds

Degrees, Minutes, Seconds style

The character symbols for degrees, minutes, seconds or cardinal direction are not populated automatically. These character strings must be entered manually on the Anno General tab, in the Suffix text field, for the appropriate group.

Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (Decimal Groups)

Displays location in degrees, minutes, and seconds, with a separate group for decimal values after the seconds

Degrees, Minutes, Seconds (Decimal Groups) style

The character symbols for degrees, decimal minutes or cardinal direction are not populated automatically. These character strings must be entered manually on the Anno General tab, in the Suffix text field, for the appropriate group. A value must be specified in the Decimal Places/Precision text box on the Format tab for decimal values to appear.

Degrees, Decimal Minutes

Displays the location in degrees and decimal minutes

Degrees, Decimal Minutes style

The character symbols for degrees, decimal minutes or cardinal direction are not populated automatically. These character strings must be entered manually on the Anno General tab, in the Suffix text field, for the appropriate group.


Displays location GEOREF coordinates

GEOREF style

Cardinal Directions

Displays location with a letter or word that represents the cardinal direction

Cardinal Directions style

The content of the annotation can be managed on the Options tab.

Annotation styles available only when a geographic coordinate system is used

The following options are only available when the parent component is using a projected coordinate system:

Style name




100 Interval

Displays location with the last two zeros in their own group

100 Interval style

1,000 Interval

Displays location, with the last three zeros in their own group

1000 Interval style

10,000 Interval

Displays location with the last four zeros in their own group

10,000 Interval style


Displays location as a number that has been divided into groups

Delimited style

The number of groups varies based on projection, extent, and location numeric. The actual delimiting character string is not added by default. It must be defined on the Format tab.


Displays location as a whole number

Full style


Displays the length of the segment, gridline, or tick with which the annotation is associated

Length style

The units displayed with the length are from the Units drop-down list on the Directions tab.

MGRS (Military Grid Reference System)

Displays location as specified for MGRS

MGRS style

MGRS - Custom Precision

Displays location as specified for MGRS using custom precision

MGRS Custom Precision style

Precision of the last two groups is controlled by the value in the Decimal Places/Precision text box.


Displays the name of the projection being used

Projection style

The number of groups varies based on projection name. This option is not available when the coordinate system type is set to Geographic.

Annotation styles available with a projected coordinate system

The following options are available regardless of the coordinate system type:

Style name




Coordinate System

Displays the coordinate system name

Coordinate System style

Number of groups varies based on the coordinate system name.


Displays the datum being used with the coordinate system

Datum style

Number of groups varies based on datum name.


Displays the spheroid being used

Spheroid style

Number of groups varies based on spheroid name.


Displays the units of measurement for the parent coordinate system

Units style


Displays sequential Roman letters

Letters style

Properties set using the Options tab.


Displays sequential numbers

Numbers style

Properties set using the Options tab.

Single Digits

Displays location with each digit in its own group

Single Digits style

Allows unique properties for each digit.

Display Leading Zeros

Allows display of leading zeros in values


If a numeric style is chosen and all digits within a group are zeros, they will only display if this check box is checked.

Display Zero Values

Allows display of values that contain all zeros


If all digits within an annotation group are zeros, they will only display if this check box is checked.

Group Prefix

Character string prefixed to the beginning of each group


ArcMap font tags are honored in this input box.

Group Suffix

Character string added to the end of each group


ArcMap font tags are honored in this input box.


Allows the selection of a unique symbol for each group

formatted anno text symbol

Customize the symbol using the text symbol editor. The example has increased character spacing and width.

Annotation styles that can be used regardless of coordinate system

Direction tab

Format tab

This tab contains options that control the general options for the selected annotation component.

Options tab

Parameters on this tab control the settings for the Letters and Numbers styles only.

