Adding an instance to a product (Maritime Charting)

There are several properties associated with an instance. They are divided into two sections: General and Instance. The General section contains properties such as the name, alias, description, and current status of the instance. The Instance section contains properties such as the instance type and rotation angle for the data frame.

When you add an instance, only the General properties are required. You can optionally include an instance type and rotation angle, and you can associate a database with the instance.

If you are using the ArcGIS for Maritime:Charting, every product must have at least one instance associated with it. For an Electronic Navigation Chart (ENC), there is a one-to-one relationship between products and instances. For charting, there could be multiple instances for a product where each instance would represent a chart panel. You can also create an instance for a nautical chart with the Add Chart Panel wizard.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

    Product Library tree view
  3. If necessary, expand Product Library and Products.
  4. Navigate to and right-click the product for which you want to add an instance and click New Instance.

    The New Instance dialog box appears.

    General pane on the New Instance dialog box
  5. Click the cell next to Name.

    The name is limited to 230 characters. Special characters are not valid entries.


    Special characters that are invalid include %, \, /, :, *, ?, ', ", <, >, and |.

  6. Double-click the existing text and type a name for the instance in the text box.

    For a chart, use the following naming convention: C_<chart name or number>P_<panel name or number>. Do not use a number as the first character for name or alias; SQL Express cannot create a database that has a number as the first character. Do not use special characters (*, spaces, and so on); underscores are accepted. The instance Name and Alias cannot exceed 25 characters; replica names consist of three parts: VERSION (CM), NAME/ALIAS (DEFINED), and database (NIS). The total length of the replica name cannot exceed 32 characters, so the portion you define must be limited to 25.

  7. Click the cell next to Alias.
  8. Type the name you want displayed in the tree view for the instance.
  9. Click the cell next to Description.
  10. Type a description of the instance in the text box.

    The value for the Visible parameter is dependent on its value at the product level.

    If you are using the 海事制表, the Visible parameter should be True.

  11. If necessary, click the cell next to Instance Type.

    Steps 11–14 don't apply to the 海事制表.


    A chart that has multiple panels will have one instance per panel (data frame). Repeat the steps to create an instance for all the panels in the chart.

    If your chart has multiple instances (panels) and each instance is expected to contain a unique scale, you are required to set up a set of extraction queries on the Extraction pane of the New Instance dialog box, not the New Product dialog box. The extraction WHERE clauses must reference these unique scales for each instance to ensure that the correct scaled data is replicated.

  12. Click the drop-down arrow and choose the instance type that is appropriate for the instance.

    Options are dependent on the entry types set at the product class level.

  13. If necessary, click the cell next to Rotation.
  14. Double-click the existing value and type a new value for the rotation angle.
  15. Click OK to close the dialog box.

    You can proceed to the following before closing the dialog box:

The instance appears in the Product Library tree view.

