Finding dangles on line features (Defense Mapping)
Dangles occur on line features when a node at either end is not connected to another line feature. This can occur if data has been moved or a feature has been extracted incorrectly. The Find Dangles check searches an input feature class for dangling nodes that fall within a specified tolerance to other features, which can include input and additional feature classes. Additional feature classes can include polyline and polygon feature classes. Dangling nodes within this tolerance are returned as results.
The check can be run on an entire feature class, a subtype, or a set of features selected using an SQL query.
- 启动 ArcMap。
- 在主菜单上,单击自定义 > 工具条 > Data Reviewer。
Click the Select Data Check drop-down list on the Data Reviewer toolbar, click the plus sign (+) next to Feature on Feature Checks, and then click Find Dangles Check.
The Find Dangles Check Properties dialog box appears.
- 如有必要,在校验标题文本框中为校验输入唯一名称。
- 单击要素类/子类型下拉箭头,选择要运行校验的要素类和子类型。
- 若要在整个要素类上运行校验并保存此设置,请选中始终在整个数据库上运行复选框。
- 若要在要素类的特定要素上运行校验,请单击 SQL 来构造 SQL 查询。
- Check Include additional features in comparison to include other feature classes in the analysis. The check will verify if the unconnected nodes in the input Feature Class/Subtype are within the specified tolerance to these feature classes.
All features included in the comparison must share the same spatial reference as the input Feature Class/Subtype.
- Type the number of units to use as the tolerance in the Dangle Tolerance text box.
- Click the Dangle Tolerance drop-down arrow and choose the units of measurement to use with the tolerance.
- 如有必要,可在检查器备注区域的注释文本框中为校验结果输入描述性文本。
严重性可指示校验结果的重要性。优先级的范围在 1 至 5 之间,1 为最高优先级,5 为最低优先级。
- 单击确定。
Click the Run Data Check button
on the Data Reviewer toolbar.
The Features to Validate dialog box appears.
- 选择集 - 针对当前在地图中选择的要素运行校验。
- 当前范围 - 针对当前地图范围(由地图比例控制)运行校验。
- 定义查询 - 针对基于定义查询(已为要素类创建)显示的要素运行校验。
- 整个数据库 - 针对要素类中的所有要素运行校验。
- 单击确定。
校验在要验证的要素 对话框中指定的范围内运行。
- 执行以下其中一项操作:
- 如果要在浏览要素 窗口中浏览结果,请选择浏览结果选项。
- 如果已启动了检查器会话并且要记录检查器表中的结果,请选择写入检查器表选项。
- 单击确定。