ExportToLayoutGeoTIFF (arcpyproduction.mapping)
Exports the page layout of an .mxd file to the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) with spatial reference information, which is also known as a GeoTIFF.
TIFF files are the most versatile raster format. TIFFs can store pixel data at several bit depths and can be compressed with either lossy or lossless compression techniques depending on file size and accuracy requirements.
Refer to Exporting to Layout GeoTIFF in ArcGIS for Desktop Help for more detailed discussions on exporting maps.

File sizes can differ when map documents are exported using arcpyproduction.mapping instead of the ArcMap commands. This is due to the differences in the functions in the Python module versus the commands in ArcMap.

The world file is not automatically created as it is when the .mxd is exported to a GeoTIFF in ArcMap. To generate this file, set the world_file parameter to True.
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
map_document |
A variable that references a MapDocument object. | MapDocument |
out_tiff |
A string that represents the path and file name for the output export file. | String |
spatial_reference_data_frame |
The data frame used to interpolate the spatial reference. By default, the active data frame is used to determine the spatial reference for the TIFF. (默认值为 PAGE_LAYOUT) | DataFrame |
resolution |
A number that defines the resolution of the export file in DPI (dots per inch). (默认值为 96) | Integer |
world_file |
If set to True, a georeferenced world file is created. The file contains pixel scale information and real-world coordinate information. (默认值为 False) | Boolean |
color_mode |
This value specifies the number of bits used to describe color.
(默认值为 24-BIT_TRUE_COLOR) | String |
tiff_compression |
This value represents a compression scheme.
(默认值为 LZW) | String |
This script exports the map to a GeoTIFF. The Main data frame is used to obtain the spatial reference information.
import arcpy
import arcpyproduction
# Check out Production Mapping extension
# Define variables
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Project\Project.mxd")
out_tiff = r"C:\Project\GeoTIFFs\Project.tif"
df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Main")[0]
# Run function with only the required parameters defined
arcpyproduction.mapping.ExportToLayoutGeoTIFF(mxd, out_tiff, df, world_file="True")
# Check in extension
This script exports a map document with multiple data frames, each of which has a different spatial reference. One GeoTIFF is created for each data frame, and the name of the output GeoTIFF is based on the data frame name.
import os
import arcpy
import arcpyproduction
# Check out Production Mapping extension
# Define variables
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r"C:\Project\MXDs\Project2.mxd")
out_dir = r"C:\Project\GeoTIFFs"
# Export each data frame as a separate GeoTIFF
for df in arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd):
out_tiff = os.path.join(out_dir, df.name + ".tiff")
arcpyproduction.mapping.ExportToLayoutGeoTIFF(mxd, out_tiff, df)
# Check in extension