Dissolving features (Production Mapping)

The Production Dissolve tool allows you to merge adjacent and overlapping polygon, line, and multipoint feature classes of the same type that share a set of specified attribute values into one continuous feature. The Dissolve and Ignore Dissolve settings are defined using the Field Configuration dialog box, which manages the field configuration settings. The dissolve field you indicate is the field on which the merge process is based; multiple dissolve fields can be specified. The feature class subtype is the default dissolve field if none is indicated on the Field Configuration or Edit Shared Fields dialog box. When an attribute field is set as the dissolve field, the adjacent and overlapping features of the same feature class with the same values on that field are merged into one.

Learn more about spatial requirements for dissolving features

For fields that ignore dissolve, you have the option to decide how the fields are going to be populated on the merged feature. These options have to be assigned in the Field Configuration dialog box's Ignore Dissolve options and are described below.

Dissolve option



The field is populated with a null value.

Database Default

The field is populated with the specified default value for that field. If a default value is not defined, the field is populated with Null.

First In

The field value is selected from the available values at random. It is the default Ignore Dissolve setting.


For string fields, text entries are concatenated, truncating at the field's length restriction. For Integer or Double field types, all values are summed.

This option is disabled if the field type is one of the following:

  • BLOB
  • DATE
  • GUID
  • GlobalID
  • ObjectID
It is also disabled if the field has a coded value domain.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, load data in the map.
  3. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Editing.
  4. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Editing Advanced.
  5. If necessary, open the Product Library window by clicking Customize > Production > Product Library on the main menu.

    A tree view of the product library appears.

    Product Library tree view
  6. If necessary, define the product library workspace.
  7. Ensure the following have been completed:
    1. A data model has been created.
    2. A data model version has been created using the schema for which you want to set up dissolve fields.
    3. Dissolve settings have been configured on the Field Configuration or Edit Shared Fields dialog box.
  8. Right-click the data model version you want to use to dissolve features and click Manage Field Configurations.

    The Field Configuration dialog box appears.

  9. Click Tables to Edit.

    The Choose Data Model Version Tables to Edit dialog box appears with a list of feature classes and tables in the data model.

    Choose Data Model Version Tables to Edit dialog box
  10. Check the check boxes next to the feature classes to use with the Production Dissolve tool in the Choose Table(s) to Edit list.

    You can right-click in the list and click Select All or Clear All to check or uncheck all the check boxes, respectively. You can also right-click in the list and choose Expand All or Collapse All to display or hide all the subtypes within the feature classes.

  11. Click OK.

    The Field Configuration dialog box appears with the selected feature classes in the Current Fields Configuration list.

  12. Ensure that the subtypes whose features you want to dissolve have been marked as Include Subtype (Dissolve).
    Example of a subtype with Include Subtype (Dissolve) selected

    If a field has been marked as a dissolve field, the option is disabled in the context menu.


    By default, the subtypes are all marked as Include Subtype (Dissolve), so they are not included in the dissolve process.

  13. Click the Production Start Editing button Production Start Editing on the Production Editing toolbar.

    The Manage Features and Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes windows automatically appear when you start an edit session using the Production Start Editing tool.


    If the Create Attributes, Update Attributes, or Metadata Attributes window does not appear when you start an edit session, click the Show/Hide Attributes button Show/Hide Attributes on the Manage Features window.

  14. If necessary, select the features you want to merge or the feature or graphic you want to use as the point of reference for merging.
  15. Click the Production Dissolve button Production Dissolve on the Production Editing Advanced toolbar.

    The Auto Select Features dialog box appears. The options available in the dialog box vary based on the map selection, if any. Unavailable options appear with the reason for unavailability in parentheses.

    Auto Select Features dialog box

  16. Choose an option.
    • All features—All features in the map are merged.
    • Selected features—Selected features are merged.
    • Intersecting current extent—Features that partially overlap the current extent are merged.
    • Intersecting selected polygon feature—Features that partially overlap the selected polygon feature are merged.
    • Intersecting selected polygon graphic—Features that partially overlap the selected polygon graphic are merged.
    • Within current extent—Features completely contained in the current map extent are merged.
    • Within selected polygon feature—Features completely contained in the selected polygon are merged.
    • Within selected polygon graphic—Features completely contained in a polygon graphic that has been drawn on the map are merged.
  17. Click OK.

    Features are merged based on the Dissolve setting in the field configurations, and attribute values are changed based on the Ignore Dissolve settings.


    If definition queries have been defined for any of the feature classes, they are also taken into consideration when the features are merged, regardless of the option you choose.

    Once the merge is complete, the Production Dissolve message appears.


    The location of the log files generated by the tool is different depending on your operation system:

    • On Windows XP, log files are written to <Installation location>\Documents and Settings\<User Login>\Application Data\ESRI\Production10.2\Desktop\Editing\LogFiles\ProductionEditing_ProductionDissolve.
    • On Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008, log files are written to <Installation location>\Users\<UserLogin>\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Production10.2\Desktop\Editing\LogFiles\ProductionEditing_ProductionDissolve.

  18. If you want to view the log file, click Yes, or click No to close the message.

