使用 Python 脚本批量协调和提交版本
ArcGIS 地理数据库管理员可使用 Python 脚本自动执行通常要使用多个地理处理工具执行的任务。本主题将介绍管理员可能需要执行的、使安排在每晚进行的版本协调得以运行的过程。
许多管理员都想要确保运行协调时没有其他用户连接到数据库。ArcPy 函数 ListUsers 和 DisconnectUser 可用来确保只有管理员连接到了地理数据库。
首先,使用 ListUsers 函数确定连接到地理数据库的用户。必须提供地理数据库管理员连接以运行 ListUsers 函数。
# get a list of connected users.
userList = arcpy.ListUsers("Database Connections/admin.sde")
# get a list of user names from the list of named tuples returned from ListUsers
userNames = [u.Name for u in userList]
# take the userNames list and make email addresses by appending the appropriate suffix.
emailList = [name + '@company.com' for name in userNames]
使用电子邮件列表将电子邮件通过 Python 发送给用户以通知他们需要与地理数据库断开连接。本例使用了 Python 的 smtplib 模块,但是还有其他一些选项可以通过非标准模块发送电子邮件。
import smtplib
SERVER = "mailserver.yourcompany.com"
FROM = "SDE Admin <python@yourcompany.com>"
TO = emailList
SUBJECT = "Maintenance is about to be performed"
MSG = "Auto generated Message.\n\rServer maintenance will be performed in 15 minutes. Please log off."
# Prepare actual message
MESSAGE = """\
From: %s
To: %s
Subject: %s
""" % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, MSG)
# Send the mail
server = smtplib.SMTP(SERVER)
server.sendmail(FROM, TO, MESSAGE)
通过脚本使用 ArcPy 函数 AcceptConnections 阻止与地理数据库的连接。仅可通过 Python 脚本获得此函数。
#block new connections to the database.
arcpy.AcceptConnections('Database Connections/admin.sde', False)

为了让用户有时间在连接断开之前完成工作,脚本需要暂停 15 分钟。Python 中的时间模块能够在已连接用户在断开连接之前提供 15 分钟的宽限期。
import time
time.sleep(900)#time is specified in seconds
通过脚本使用 ArcPy 函数 DisconnectUser 断开用户连接。仅可通过 Python 脚本获得此函数。
在已通知用户并且脚本已暂停 15 分钟之后,用户连接就会断开。
#disconnect all users from the database.
arcpy.DisconnectUser('Database Connections/admin.sde', "ALL")

如果仅希望指定用户断开连接,则提供这些用户连接的连接 ID 字符串或 Python 字符串列表。这些 ID 由 ListUsers 函数返回。
协调版本工具可用于协调和提交企业级地理数据库中的所有版本。此工具提供了可以将地理数据库中所有版本协调至目标版本 (ALL_VERSIONS),或仅协调阻止目标版本压缩的版本 (BLOCKING_VERSIONS)。此工具是实现有效压缩的方法,因为它允许多个版本以合适顺序一次性协调和提交。在本例中,以地理数据库管理员身份运行此工具。以地理数据库管理员身份进行连接能够协调和发布地理数据库中的所有版本,甚至是由其他用户拥有的私有版本或受保护版本。
# Get a list of versions to pass into the ReconcileVersions tool.
versionList = arcpy.ListVersions('Database Connections/admin.sde')
# Execute the ReconcileVersions tool.
arcpy.ReconcileVersions_management('Database Connections/admin.sde', "ALL_VERSIONS", "sde.DEFAULT", versionList, "LOCK_ACQUIRED", "NO_ABORT", "BY_OBJECT", "FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION", "POST", "DELETE_VERSION", "c:/temp/reconcilelog.txt")
# Run the compress tool.
arcpy.Compress_management('Database Connections/admin.sde')
# Allow new connections to the database.
arcpy.AcceptConnections('Database Connections/admin.sde', True)
# set the workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = 'Database Connections/admin.sde'
# Get the user name for the workspace
# this assumes you are using database authentication.
# OS authentication connection files do not have a 'user' property.
userName = arcpy.Describe(arcpy.env.workspace).connectionProperties.user
# Get a list of all the datasets the user has access to.
# First, get all the stand alone tables, feature classes and rasters owned by the current user.
dataList = arcpy.ListTables('*.' + userName + '.*') + arcpy.ListFeatureClasses('*.' + userName + '.*') + arcpy.ListRasters('*.' + userName + '.*')
# Next, for feature datasets owned by the current user
# get all of the featureclasses and add them to the master list.
for dataset in arcpy.ListDatasets('*.' + userName + '.*'):
dataList += arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(feature_dataset=dataset)

用于限制用户拥有的数据集的通配符令牌与操作系统相关。以上示例 ('*.'+ userName + '.*') 将适用于 SQL Server、PostgreSQL 或 DB2。对于 Oracle,可以使用以下通配符:(userName + '.*')。对于 Informix,可以使用以下通配符:('*:' + userName + '.*')。
# Execute rebuild indexes and analyze datasets
# Note: to use the "SYSTEM" option, the user must be an administrator.
workspace = "Database Connections/user1.sde"
arcpy.RebuildIndexes_management(workspace, "NO_SYSTEM", dataList, "ALL")
arcpy.AnalyzeDatasets_management(workspace, "NO_SYSTEM", dataList, "ANALYZE_BASE", "ANALYZE_DELTA", "ANALYZE_ARCHIVE")
- 识别已连接用户。
- 发送电子邮件通知。
- 阻止地理数据库接受新连接。
- 断开用户连接。
- 协调版本和提交更改内容。
- 压缩地理数据库。
- 允许地理数据库接受新连接。
- 重新构建索引并更新系统表的统计数据。
import arcpy, time, smtplib
# Set the workspace
arcpy.env.workspace = 'Database Connections/admin.sde'
# Set a variable for the workspace
workspace = arcpy.env.workspace
# Get a list of connected users.
userList = arcpy.ListUsers("Database Connections/admin.sde")
# Get a list of user names of users currently connected and make email addresses
emailList = [u.Name + "@yourcompany.com" for user in arcpy.ListUsers("Database Connections/admin.sde")]
# Take the email list and use it to send an email to connected users.
SERVER = "mailserver.yourcompany.com"
FROM = "SDE Admin <python@yourcompany.com>"
TO = emailList
SUBJECT = "Maintenance is about to be performed"
MSG = "Auto generated Message.\n\rServer maintenance will be performed in 15 minutes. Please log off."
# Prepare actual message
MESSAGE = """\
From: %s
To: %s
Subject: %s
""" % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, MSG)
# Send the mail
server = smtplib.SMTP(SERVER)
server.sendmail(FROM, TO, MESSAGE)
# Block new connections to the database.
arcpy.AcceptConnections('Database Connections/admin.sde', False)
# Wait 15 minutes
# Disconnect all users from the database.
arcpy.DisconnectUser('Database Connections/admin.sde', "ALL")
# Get a list of versions to pass into the ReconcileVersions tool.
versionList = arcpy.ListVersions('Database Connections/admin.sde')
# Execute the ReconcileVersions tool.
arcpy.ReconcileVersions_management('Database Connections/admin.sde', "ALL_VERSIONS", "sde.DEFAULT", versionList, "LOCK_ACQUIRED", "NO_ABORT", "BY_OBJECT", "FAVOR_TARGET_VERSION", "POST", "DELETE_VERSION", "c:/temp/reconcilelog.txt")
# Run the compress tool.
arcpy.Compress_management('Database Connections/admin.sde')
# Allow the database to begin accepting connections again
arcpy.AcceptConnections('Database Connections/admin.sde', True)
# Get a list of datasets owned by the admin user
# Rebuild indexes and analyze the states and states_lineages system tables
arcpy.RebuildIndexes_management(workspace, "SYSTEM", "ALL")
arcpy.AnalyzeDatasets_management(workspace, "SYSTEM", "ANALYZE_BASE", "ANALYZE_DELTA", "ANALYZE_ARCHIVE")
有关在 Windows 中设置要运行的计划任务的说明,请参阅帮助主题将 Python 脚本计划为在预定时间运行。