Misc tab

The Misc tab contains a check box that allows you to turn the automatic spatial reference update on and off. There are also check boxes to manage items for reports, segmentation studies, and creating study areas.

You can change your default Business Analyst cartographic outputs. To do so, browse to Customize > Style Manager > Business Analyst.style. Then select any of the active folders to modify the outputs. For example, you can select Color Ramps > GridsRamp to change the thematic makeup of the Find Hot Spots grid cells. In this case, you can switch the default red-to-yellow scheme to blue-to-green.

Misc tab
  1. Check the appropriate check boxes to activate the Spatial Reference options. You can choose from Automatically update map projection (recommended for Business Analyst) or Show warning when starting ArcMap.

    Spatial Reference in Business Analyst is a dynamically updating projection that changes when zooming in or panning around the map. This on-the-fly method eliminates the need to alter data frame projections which may be needed if individual State Plane or UTM coordinate systems are used. This is helpful for creating maps or viewing areas in multiple locations.


    A warning appears when ArcMap starts if the Business Analyst extension is installed. This reminds you that the dynamic projection is enabled and may interfere with other work. By default, Business Analyst MXDs and data are stored in the Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere.

  2. Check the Show callout bubbles in reports check box if you want to see informative callouts in Segmentation reports.

    The callout bubbles refer to the circles with arrows that link report content to a section containing information about the same report content. These guide you through the output of Segmentation reports.

  3. Select the default summary report for use in the Project Explorer from the Choose Project Explorer Report Template drop-down menu.

    Once the report is selected, you can right-click on a trade area within the Project Explorer and select Create Report to instantly create a demographic report with accessing the report wizards.

  4. Use the Choose default report style drop-down menu to select the default report. You can choose from modern and classic style and add a user name that will appear on some reports.
  5. Check the Use generalized geometry check box to increase the speed of dissolving functions in creating study areas and to speed up map redrawing times.
  6. You can enable the ArcMap datum check by clicking the check box.
  7. You can display Network Barriers Group Layer by clicking the check box.

    Network Barriers can be used in Business Analyst. As an example, you can add a boundary file representing a high traffic area to avoid and then run drive-time trade areas. The high traffic area will not be considered in your analysis. The Network Barrier layer is automatically added to any MXD if Business Analyst is installed. You can disable the layer by unchecking the box.

    The image below shows generalized and detailed geometry layers overlaid against one another.

    1. Detailed boundary

    2. Generalized boundary

    Example of generalized and detailed geometry layers

    You can add a Business Analyst Network Barrier by right-clicking Network Barriers in the Project Explorer and selecting Add New. The layer will be added to the Business Analyst Repository.

    You can add a new barrier by right-clicking Add New from the Project Explorer

    You can also right-click on a layer in the table of contents to make it a barrier. Right-click on the layer and select Add as a Barrier to Business Analyst. The layer will be added to the Business Analyst Repository.

    You can add a barrier by selecting Add as a Barrier to Business Analyst

    An example of a polygon barrier is below. The drive-time trade area in yellow avoids the street segments in the area.

    Polygon barrier
  8. Click OK to save your preferences or click a different tab to set other preferences.