汇总统计数据 (Analysis)
将使用以下命名约定为每种统计类型创建字段:SUM_<field>、MAX_<field>、MIN_<field>、RANGE_<field>、STD_<field>、FIRST_<field>, LAST_<field>、COUNT_<field>(其中 <field> 是计算统计数据的输入字段的名称)。当输出表是 dBASE 表时,字段名称会被截断为 10 个字符。
空值将被排除在所有统计计算之外。例如,10、5 和空值的 AVERAGE 为 7.5 ((10+5)/2)。COUNT 工具可返回统计计算中所包括值的数目,如本例中为 2。
参数 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
in_table |
包含用于计算统计数据的字段的输入表。输入可以是 INFO 表、dBASE 表、OLE DB 表、VPF 表或要素类。 | Table View; Raster Layer |
out_table |
将存储计算的统计数据的输出 dBASE 或地理数据库表。 | Table |
statistics_fields [[field, statistics_type],...] |
包含用于计算指定统计数据的属性值的数字字段。可以指定多项统计数据和字段组合。空值将被排除在所有统计计算之外。 “添加字段”按钮(只能在模型构建器中使用)可用于添加所需字段,以完成对话框并继续构建模型。 可用的统计类型有:
| Value Table |
case_field [case_field,...] (可选) |
“输入表”中用于为每个唯一属性值(如果指定多个字段,则为属性值组合)单独计算的统计数据的字段。 | Field |
以下 Python 窗口脚本演示了如何在即时模式下使用统计数据工具。
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = "C:/data/Habitat_Analysis.gdb"
arcpy.Statistics_analysis("futrds", "C:/output/output.gdb/stats", [["Shape_Length", "SUM"]], "NM")
以下独立脚本汇总了主要道路 150 英尺范围内的植被区域。
# Name: Statistics_Example2.py
# Description: Summarize the vegetation by area within 150 feet of major roads
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"
# Set local variables
inRoads = "majorrds.shp"
outBuffer = "C:/output/output.gdb/buffer_out"
bufferDistance = "250 feet"
inVegetation = "Habitat_Analysis.gdb/vegtype"
outClip = "C:/output/output.gdb/clip_out"
joinField = "HOLLAND95"
joinTable = "c:/data/vegtable.dbf"
joinedField = "HABITAT"
outStatsTable = "C:/output/output.gdb/stats_out"
statsFields = [["Shape_Area", "SUM"]]
# Execute Buffer to get a buffer of major roads
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(inRoads, outBuffer, bufferDistance, dissolve_option = "ALL")
# Execute Clip using the buffer output to get a clipped feature class
# of vegetation
arcpy.Clip_analysis(inVegetation, outBuffer, outClip)
# Execute JoinField to add the vegetation type
arcpy.JoinField_management(outClip, joinField, joinTable, joinField, joinedField)
# Execute Statistics to get the area of each vegetation type within
# the clipped buffer.
arcpy.Statistics_analysis(outClip, outStatsTable, statsFields, joinedField)
以下独立脚本循环遍历数据集的属性字段并构造统计字段参数,从而计算各个数值字段的 SUM 统计量。
# Name: Statistics_Example3_SUM_All.py
# Description: Script that runs the Summary Statistic tool to calculate the
# Sum statistic for every numeric field based on a unique case field
# Import system modules
import arcpy
# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data/f.gdb"
# Set local variables
intable = "intable"
outtable = "sumstats"
casefield = "Name"
stats = []
# Loop through all fields in the Input Table
for field in arcpy.ListFields(intable):
# Just find the fields that have a numeric type
if field.type in ("Double", "Integer", "Single", "SmallInteger"):
# Add the field name and Sum statistic type
# to the list of fields to summarize
stats.append([field.name, "Sum"])
# Correct formatting of stats [["Field1", "Sum"], ["Field2", "Sum"], ...]
# Run the Summary Statistics tool with the stats list
arcpy.Statistics_analysis(intable, outtable, stats, casefield)