编辑器追踪数据集属性 (arcpy)
Describe 函数可返回以下编辑器追踪数据集属性。
属性 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
editorTrackingEnabled (只读) |
True if editor tracking is enabled for the dataset. | Boolean |
creatorFieldName (只读) | The name of the field that contains the account name of the user who created a feature, row, or raster. | String |
createdAtFieldName (只读) | The name of the field that contains the date and time a feature, row, or raster was created. | String |
editorFieldName (只读) | The name of the field that contains the account name of the user who most recently edited a feature, row, or raster. | String |
editedAtFieldName (只读) |
The name of the field that contains the date and time a feature, row, or raster was most recently edited. | String |
isTimeInUTC (只读) |
True if times stored in the CreatedAt field and EditedAt field are stored in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time). False if they are stored in database time. | Boolean |
The following stand-alone script displays how many features in a feature class were most recently edited by each user.
import arcpy
# Create a Describe object from the feature class
gdb_fc = "C:/data/ParcelBase.gdb/parcels_enabled"
desc = arcpy.Describe(gdb_fc)
# If the feature class has editor tracking enabled, then
# list how many features were last edited by each user.
if desc.editorTrackingEnabled:
# Get the editorFieldName from the describe object
whoField = desc.editorFieldName
# Use a cursor to search through all the features
userDictionary = {}
cur = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(gdb_fc, [whoField])
for row in cur:
featureEditedBy = row[0]
if featureEditedBy in userDictionary:
userDictionary[featureEditedBy] += 1
userDictionary[featureEditedBy] = 1
# Print the results
for user in userDictionary.keys():
if user == None:
print 'Last edited before editor tracking was enabled: '+ \
print "Last edited by " + user + ": " + str(userDictionary[user])
print 'Editor tracking not enabled for '+gdb_fc