ArcInfo Workstation 表属性 (arcpy)
属性 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
itemSet (只读) |
A Python list of items in the table. Each entry in the list is an ArcInfo Workstation Item Properties describe object, representing one item in the table. | Object |
ArcInfo Workstation Table properties example (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script displays a Table property from an ArcInfo Workstation Table. It then gets a list of ArcInfo Workstation items and prints the name of each item.
import arcpy
# Create a Describe object from the ArcInfo Table.
desc = arcpy.Describe("C:/data/crimefreq")
# Print a Table property from the ArcInfo Table.
#print "HasOID: " + desc.hasOID
print "%-11s %s" % ("HasOID:", desc.hasOID)
# Get the itemSet from the ArcInfo Table and
# print the name and item type of each item.
iSet = desc.itemSet
for item in iSet:
print "%-12s %s" % ("\nName:",
print "%-11s %s" % ("Item type:", item.itemType)