栅格波段属性 (arcpy)
属性 | 说明 | 数据类型 |
height (只读) |
The number of rows | Integer |
isInteger (只读) |
Indicates whether the raster band has integer type | Boolean |
meanCellHeight (只读) |
The cell size in y direction | Double |
meanCellWidth (只读) |
The cell size in x direction | Double |
noDataValue (只读) |
The NoData value of the raster band | String |
pixelType (只读) |
The pixel type
| String |
primaryField (只读) |
The index of the field | Integer |
tableType (只读) |
The class names of the table
| String |
width (只读) |
The number of columns | Integer |
Raster Band properties example (stand-alone script)
The following stand-alone script displays some properties for a raster band.
import arcpy
# Create a Describe object from the raster band
desc = arcpy.Describe("C:/data/preston.img/Band_1")
# Print some raster band properties
print "Height: %d" % desc.height
print "Width: %d" % desc.width
print "Integer Raster: %s" % desc.isInteger