在 PostgreSQL 中编写企业级地理数据库升级脚本
可以修改和使用在本主题中提供的其中一个 Python 脚本来连接和升级企业级地理数据库。
第二个脚本显示如何能够在用于升级地理数据库的相同脚本中提供连接信息。此脚本在无法访问 ArcGIS for Desktop 时特别有用;您可以在安装了具有 Geodatabase Update 扩展模块的 ArcGIS Engine 或 ArcGIS for Server(标准版或高级版)的计算机上运行 Python 脚本、提供连接信息和升级地理数据库。
- ArcGIS 客户端,可能是 ArcGIS for Desktop(标准版 或 高级版)、具有 Geodatabase Update 扩展模块的 ArcGIS Engine Runtime 或 ArcGIS for Server Enterprise(Standard 或 Advanced)
确保在运行脚本前对 ArcGIS 客户端授权。
- 必须将 PostgreSQL 客户端库放置在 ArcGIS 客户端的 bin 目录中。
请确保升级之前已经阅读和执行过升级 PostgreSQL 中的地理数据库的准备工作中的步骤。
- 将这些脚本之一复制到 ArcGIS for Desktop 中的 Python 窗口或任何 Python IDE(如 PythonWin 或 WING)。根据需要更改任意变量值,以与您的站点信息相匹配。
- 如果现有数据库连接文件使用直连并以地理数据库管理员的身份进行连接,则根据不同的操作系统来复制和修改以下脚本之一:
# Name: upgradesdegdb_example.py # Description: Connect from a Windows computer # with an existing database connection file # and upgrade an enterprise geodatabase in PostgreSQL # Author: Esri # Import arcpy module import arcpy # Local variables: Output_Workspace = "C:\\ArcGIS\connection_files\<Connection file>" Default_gdb = "C:\\ArcGIS\connection_files\<Connection file>" # Process: Upgrade Geodatabase arcpy.UpgradeGDB_management(Default_gdb, "PREREQUISITE_CHECK", "UPGRADE")
# Name: upgradesdegdb_example.py # Description: Connect from a Linux or UNIX computer # with an existing database connection file # and upgrade an enterprise geodatabase in PostgreSQL # Author: Esri # Import arcpy module import arcpy # Local variables: Output_Workspace = "<user>/connections/<Connection_file>" Default_gdb = "<user>/connections/<Connection_file>" # Process: Upgrade Geodatabase arcpy.UpgradeGDB_management(Default_gdb, "PREREQUISITE_CHECK", "UPGRADE")
- 如果计算机上没有用于编写升级脚本的数据库连接文件,则可复制和修改以下脚本:
""" Name: upgrade_gdb.py Description: Provide connection information to an Enterprise geodatabase and upgrade the geodatabase Type upgrade_gdb.py -h or upgrade_gdb.py --help for usage Author: Esri """ # Import system modules import arcpy, os, optparse, sys # Define usage and version parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage = "usage: %prog [Options]", version="%prog 2.0; valid for 10.1 only") #Define help and options parser.add_option ("--DBMS", dest="Database_type", type="choice", choices=['SQLSERVER', 'ORACLE', 'POSTGRESQL', 'DB2','INFORMIX','DB2ZOS',''], default="", help="Type of enterprise DBMS: SQLSERVER, ORACLE, or POSTGRESQL.") parser.add_option ("-i", dest="Instance", type="string", default="", help="DBMS instance name") parser.add_option ("--auth", dest="account_authentication", type ="choice", choices=['DATABASE_AUTH', 'OPERATING_SYSTEM_AUTH'], default='DATABASE_AUTH', help="Authentication type options (case-sensitive): DATABASE_AUTH, OPERATING_SYSTEM_AUTH. Default=DATABASE_AUTH") parser.add_option ("-u", dest="User", type="string", default="", help="Geodatabase administrator user name") parser.add_option ("-p", dest="Password", type="string", default="", help="Geodatabase administrator password") parser.add_option ("--upgrade", dest="Upgrade", type="choice", choices=['TRUE', 'FALSE'], default="FALSE", help="Upgrade Options (case-sensitive): TRUE=Perform Pre-requisite check and upgrade geodatabase, FALSE=Perform Pre-requisite check only. Default=FALSE") parser.add_option ("-D", dest="Database", type="string", default="none", help="Database name: Not required for Oracle") # Check if value entered for option try: (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #Check if no system arguments (options) entered if len(sys.argv) == 1: print "%s: error: %s\n" % (sys.argv[0], "No command options given") parser.print_help() sys.exit(3) #Usage parameters for spatial database connection to upgrade account_authentication = options.account_authentication.upper() username = options.User.lower() password = options.Password do_upgrade = options.Upgrade database = options.Database.lower() database_type = options.Database_type.upper() instance = options.Instance if (database_type == ""): print "\nDatabase type must be specified!\n" parser.print_help() sys.exit(3) if (database_type == "SQLSERVER"): database_type = "SQL_SERVER" # Get the current product license product_license=arcpy.ProductInfo() # Checks required license level to upgrade if product_license.upper() == "ARCVIEW" or product_license.upper() == 'ENGINE': print "\n" + product_license + " license found!" + " Enterprise geodatabase upgrade requires an ArcGIS for Desktop Standard or Advanced, ArcGIS Engine with the Geodatabase Update extension, or ArcGIS for Server license." sys.exit("Re-authorize ArcGIS before upgrading.") else: print "\n" + product_license + " license available! Continuing to upgrade..." arcpy.AddMessage("+++++++++") # Local variables instance_temp = instance.replace("\\","_") instance_temp = instance_temp.replace("/","_") instance_temp = instance_temp.replace(":","_") Conn_File_NameT = instance_temp + "_" + database + "_" + username if os.environ.get("TEMP") == None: temp = "c:\\temp" else: temp = os.environ.get("TEMP") if os.environ.get("TMP") == None: temp = "/usr/tmp" else: temp = os.environ.get("TMP") Connection_File_Name = Conn_File_NameT + ".sde" Connection_File_Name_full_path = temp + os.sep + Conn_File_NameT + ".sde" # Check for the .sde file and delete it if present arcpy.env.overwriteOutput=True if os.path.exists(Connection_File_Name_full_path): os.remove(Connection_File_Name_full_path) print "\nCreating Database Connection File...\n" # Process: Create Database Connection File... # Usage: out_file_location, out_file_name, DBMS_TYPE, instnace, database, account_authentication, username, password, save_username_password(must be true) arcpy.CreateDatabaseConnection_management(out_folder_path=temp, out_name=Connection_File_Name, database_platform=database_type, instance=instance, database=database, account_authentication=account_authentication, username=username, password=password, save_user_pass="TRUE") for i in range(arcpy.GetMessageCount()): if "000565" in arcpy.GetMessage(i): #Check if database connection was successful arcpy.AddReturnMessage(i) arcpy.AddMessage("\n+++++++++") arcpy.AddMessage("Exiting!!") arcpy.AddMessage("+++++++++\n") sys.exit(3) else: arcpy.AddReturnMessage(i) arcpy.AddMessage("+++++++++\n") # Check whether geodatabase needs upgrade isCurrent = arcpy.Describe(Connection_File_Name_full_path).currentRelease if isCurrent == True: print "The geodatabase is already at the current release and cannot be upgraded!" sys.exit("Upgrade did not run.") # Process: Upgrade geodatabase... try: if do_upgrade.lower() == "true": print "Upgrading Geodatabase...\n" arcpy.UpgradeGDB_management(input_workspace=Connection_File_Name_full_path, input_prerequisite_check="PREREQUISITE_CHECK", input_upgradegdb_check="UPGRADE") for i in range(arcpy.GetMessageCount()): arcpy.AddReturnMessage(i) arcpy.AddMessage("+++++++++\n") else: print "Running Pre-Requisite Check...\n" arcpy.UpgradeGDB_management(input_workspace=Connection_File_Name_full_path, input_prerequisite_check="PREREQUISITE_CHECK", input_upgradegdb_check="NO_UPGRADE") for i in range(arcpy.GetMessageCount()): arcpy.AddReturnMessage(i) arcpy.AddMessage("+++++++++\n") except: for i in range(arcpy.GetMessageCount()): arcpy.AddReturnMessage(i) if os.path.exists(Connection_File_Name_full_path): os.remove(Connection_File_Name_full_path) #Check if no value entered for option except SystemExit as e: if e.code == 2: parser.usage = "" print "\n" parser.print_help() parser.exit(2)
- 如果现有数据库连接文件使用直连并以地理数据库管理员的身份进行连接,则根据不同的操作系统来复制和修改以下脚本之一:
- 运行已复制和更改的脚本来执行先决条件检查和升级地理数据库。