ICAO Annex 14 (Aviation OIS)

Уровень лицензии:BasicStandardAdvanced

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Creates obstruction identification surfaces based on the ICAO Annex 14 specification. These surfaces define areas of airspace around an aerodrome. Each area defines the limits to which an obstruction may project into an airspace. The type, function, and dimension of a surface differ by runway classification. This tool creates surfaces as polygon or multipatch features, or triangulated irregular networks (TINs).



ICAOAnnex14_aviationois (in_features, runway_type, highend_clear_way_length, lowend_clear_way_length, airport_elevation, runway_direction, include_merged_surface, out_features)
ПараметрОбъяснениеТип данных

The input runway dataset. The feature class must be Z enabled and contain points, polylines, or polygons.

Feature Layer

The runway classification of the in_features.

  • NON_INSTRUMENT_CODE_NUMBER_1A runway intended for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures. Runway strip length is 30 meters.
  • NON_INSTRUMENT_CODE_NUMBER_2 A runway with a 60-meter strip length and 40-meter strip width that is intended for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures.
  • NON_INSTRUMENT_CODE_NUMBER_3 A runway with a 60-meter strip length and 75-meter strip width that is intended for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures.
  • NON_INSTRUMENT_CODE_NUMBER_4 A runway with a 60-meter strip length and 75-meter strip width that is intended for the operation of aircraft using visual approach procedures.
  • NON_PRECISION_APPROACH_CODE_NUMBER_1An instrument runway served by visual aids and a nonvisual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight-in approach. This runway type has a 60-meter strip length and a 75-meter strip width on either side of the runway centre line.
  • NON_PRECISION_APPROACH_CODE_NUMBER_2An instrument runway served by visual aids and a nonvisual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight-in approach. This runway type has a 60-meter strip length and a 75-meter strip width on either side of the runway centre line.
  • NON_PRECISION_APPROACH_CODE_NUMBER_3An instrument runway served by visual aids and a nonvisual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight-in approach. This runway type has a 60-meter strip length and a 150-meter strip width on either side of the runway centre line.
  • NON_PRECISION_APPROACH_CODE_NUMBER_4An instrument runway served by visual aids and a nonvisual aid providing at least directional guidance adequate for a straight-in approach. This runway type has a 60-meter strip length and a 150-meter strip width on either side of the runway centre line.
  • PRECISION_APPROACH_CATEGORY_I_CODE_NUMBER_1An instrument runway served by an Instrument Landing System (ILS) or a Microwave Landing System (MLS) and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height not lower than 60 meters (200 ft.) and either a visibility not less than 800 meters or a runway visual range not less than 550 meters. This runway type has a 60-meter strip length and a 75-meter strip width on either side of the runway centre line.
  • PRECISION_APPROACH_CATEGORY_I_CODE_NUMBER_2An instrument runway served by ILS and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height not lower than 60 meters (200 ft.) and either a visibility not less than 800 meters or a runway visual range not less than 550 meters. This runway type has a 60-meter strip length and a 75-meter strip width on either side of the runway centre line.
  • PRECISION_APPROACH_CATEGORY_I_CODE_NUMBER_3_4An instrument runway served by ILS and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height not lower than 60 meters (200 ft.) and either a visibility not less than 800 meters or a runway visual range not less than 550 meters. This runway type has a 60-meter strip length and a 150-meter strip width on either side of the runway centre line.
  • PRECISION_APPROACH_CATEGORY_II_III_CODE_NUMBER_3_4An instrument runway served by ILS and/or MLS and visual aids intended for operations with a decision height lower than 60 meters (200 ft.) but not lower than 30 meters (100 ft.) and a runway visual range not less than 350 meters. This runway type has a 60-meter strip length and a 150-meter strip width on either side of the runway centre line.

The length of the area at the high end of the runway, in meters. An aircraft can make a portion of its initial climb over this area.


The length of the area at the low end of the runway, in meters. An aircraft can make a portion of its initial climb over this area.


The highest point on any runway in an airport, in meters. The units for elevation are based on the specification. The tool will automatically populate this value from a z value in your aeronautical database if you are using the AIS or Airports data model. Airport elevation is stored in the Z value of the ADHP point feature class in the AIS data model. In the Airports data model, elevation is stored in the Z value of the Airport Control Point feature class for records with the Point_Type field populated with AIRPORT_ELEVATION.


The direction of in_features.

  • HIGH_END_TO_LOW_ENDFrom runway high end to low end
  • LOW_END_TO_HIGH_ENDFrom runway low end to high end

Indicates whether merged horizontal and conical surfaces are included in the OIS, in addition to the regular surfaces.

  • INCLUDE_MERGED_SURFACEInclude merged surfaces in the OIS output. This is the default.
  • NOT_INCLUDE_MERGED_SURFACEDo not include merged surfaces in the OIS output.

The output feature class or TIN that will contain the generated obstacle identification surfaces.

Feature Layer; TIN

Пример кода

ICAOAnnex14 example (stand-alone Python script)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the ICAOAnnex14 tool.

import arcpy

# set gp environment

# Input Runway Feature Class
inFeatures = "RunwayCenterline"

# feature class that will contain the OIS surface

# runway variables
runwayDir = "HIGH_END_TO_LOW_END"

# Exec ICAOAnnex14

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Информация о лицензировании

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Нет
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Требует Airports or Aviation Charting
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Требует Airports or Aviation Charting