Depths To ASCII (Bathymetry)

Уровень лицензии:BasicStandardAdvanced

Краткая информация

Exports a depth point feature class to an ASCII text file. You can use the ASCII text file for working with depth information in non-GIS systems. Depth point features exported to an ASCII text file will contain the X, Y, and Z locations for each point feature. If a Bathymetric Attribute Grid (BAG) is used in the creation of the Depth feature, the Total Propagated Uncertainty (TPU) value will also be written to the depth feature and exported to the ASCII text file.

Depths represent a measurement of the vertical distance from a given water level to the seafloor.

A BAG is a multidimensional hydrographic data file that models elevation and Total Propagated Uncertainty (TPU) values in a gridded format. It conforms to standards created by the Open Navigation Surface Working Group.



DepthsToASCII_bathymetry (in_layer, ascii_file)
ПараметрОбъяснениеТип данных

Input points to export to ASCII.

Feature Layer

The text file to which features will be written.


Пример кода

DepthsToASCII example (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the DepthsToASCII tool.

# Name:
# Description: Exports a Bathymetry points feature class to an ascii file
# Requirements: ArcGIS for Maritime Bathymetry

import arcpy

# setup parameters
inLayer = "C:/data/MyData.gdb/PointFC"
asciiFile = "C:/output/MyOutput.txt"

# For a stand-alone scripts, checkout the extension first

# execute the tool. 
arcpy.DepthsToASCII_bathymetry(inLayer, asciiFile)

Параметры среды

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Информация о лицензировании

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Нет
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Требует Maritime Bathymetry
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Требует Maritime Bathymetry