Пример: Публикация определений сервиса, поименованных в текстовом файле.
В этом примере скрипт считывает список текстовых файлов определения сервиса и публикует каждое определение сервиса в качестве сервиса. Это бывает особенно полезно, когда вы хотите развернуть одинаковый набор сервисов на множестве компьютеров, или при параллельном размещении на сервере развития, промежуточном сервере и на рабочем сервере.
Входной файл должен иметь следующую структуру:
- SD – путь к файлу определения сервиса. Это местоположение должно быть видимым для ArcGIS Server, но оно не обязательно должно быть зарегистрировано в ArcGIS Server.
- folderName – имя папки ArcGIS Server, в которой должен находиться сервис. Эта папка должна уже существовать. Если это свойство будет пропущено, то сервис будет опубликован на уровне корневого каталога.
- serviceName – имя сервиса, если вы хотите заменить имя в определении сервиса.
- clusterName – имя кластера ArcGIS Server, где должен быть развернут сервис. Если он не будет указан, то сервис будет опубликован в кластер, заданный по умолчанию.
Сначала скрипт проверит, имеется ли этот сервис в указанной папке. Если сервис существует, то он будет удален, а затем переопубликован. Таким образом, текстовый файл может содержать как длинный список сервисов для развертывания, так и только один сервис для обновления.
import json
import urllib,httplib
import sys
import getpass
import arcpy
import os
import codecs
def main(argv=None):
# Ask for admin user name and password
username = raw_input("Enter user name: ")
password = getpass.getpass("Enter password: ")
# Ask for server name and the port
serverName = raw_input("Enter server name: ")
serverPort = raw_input("Enter server port: ")
# Get a token and connect
token = getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort)
if token == "":
# Create a connection file to the server
except Exception, e:
print e.message
agsConnection = os.path.join(os.curdir, serverName+".ags")
if not os.path.isfile(agsConnection):
print("Unable to connect to ArcGIS Server -- exiting")
# Input file that contains the services information
servicesFile = raw_input("Path to pipe-delimited text file containing services: ")
num = 0
services = {}
for serviceRow in readlinesFromInputFile(servicesFile):
serviceEntry = {}
for index in range(len(serviceRow)):
serviceProp = serviceRow[index].split("=")
if serviceProp[0] == "SD":
serviceEntry["in_sd_file"] = serviceProp[1]
if serviceProp[0] == "serviceName":
serviceEntry["in_service_name"] = serviceProp[1]
if serviceProp[0] == "folderName":
serviceEntry["in_folder"] = serviceProp[1]
if isFolderPresent(serviceProp[1],serverName, serverPort,token):
if serviceProp[0] == "clusterName":
serviceEntry["in_cluster"] = serviceProp[1]
if serviceProp[0] == "startupType":
serviceEntry["in_startupType"] = serviceProp[1]
# Add the services information to a dictionary
services["service" + str(num)] = serviceEntry
num +=1
# Call helper functions to publish services
# A function that reads lines from the input file
def readlinesFromInputFile(filename, delim='|'):
file = codecs.open(filename,'r','utf-8-sig')
for line in file.readlines():
# Remove the trailing whitespaces and the newline characters
line = line.rstrip()
if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0:
pass # Skip the lines that contain # at the beginning or any empty lines
# Split the current line into list
yield line.split(delim)
def addServices(serviceDict, serverName, serverPort, token, agsConnection):
for serviceToAdd in serviceDict:
# Check to see that SD is present and that it is reachable.
if not os.path.isfile(serviceDict[serviceToAdd]['in_sd_file']):
print("Unable to access '" + serviceDict[serviceToAdd]['in_sd_file']+"'. Skipping to publish.")
#Delete the service first (if it exists) and then re-publish it
if serviceDict[serviceToAdd].has_key("in_service_name"):
if serviceDict[serviceToAdd].has_key("in_folder"):
serviceDict[serviceToAdd]["in_server"] = agsConnection
print "Publishing the service: " + serviceDict[serviceToAdd]['in_sd_file']
print "Successfully published the service: " + serviceDict[serviceToAdd]['in_sd_file']
except Exception, e:
print "Publishing of " + serviceDict[serviceToAdd]['in_sd_file'] + " failed."
print e.message
# A function that will post HTTP POST request to the server
def postToServer(serverName, serverPort, url, params):
httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
# URL encode the resource URL
url = urllib.quote(url.encode('utf-8'))
# Build the connection to add the roles to the server
httpConn.request("POST", url, params, headers)
response = httpConn.getresponse()
data = response.read()
return (response, data)
# A function that checks that the JSON response received from the server does not contain an error
def assertJsonSuccess(data):
obj = json.loads(data)
if 'status' in obj and obj['status'] == "error":
return False
return True
def getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort):
tokenURL = "/arcgis/admin/generateToken"
params = urllib.urlencode({'username': username, 'password': password,'client': 'requestip', 'f': 'json'})
response, data = postToServer(serverName, serverPort, tokenURL, params)
if (response.status != 200 or not assertJsonSuccess(data)):
print "Error while fetching tokens from admin URL. Please check if the server is running and ensure that the username/password provided are correct"
print str(data)
# Extract the token from it
token = json.loads(data)
return token['token']
def isFolderPresent(folderName,serverName, serverPort,token):
params = urllib.urlencode({'token':token,'f': 'json'})
folderURL = "/arcgis/admin/services"
response, data = postToServer(serverName, serverPort, folderURL, params)
if (response.status != 200 or not assertJsonSuccess(data)):
print "Error while fetching folders from the server."
print str(data)
servicesJSON = json.loads(data)
folders = servicesJSON['folders']
for folder in folders:
if folder == folderName :
return True
return False
def deleteServiceIfPresent(serverName,serverPort, token, serviceName, folderName='root'):
# If the folder itself is not present, we do not need to check for the service's presence in this folder.
if folderName != 'root' and not isFolderPresent(folderName,serverName, serverPort,token):
params = urllib.urlencode({'token':token,'f': 'json'})
if folderName == 'root' :
URL = "/arcgis/admin/services/"
URL = "/arcgis/admin/services/"+folderName
response, data = postToServer(serverName, serverPort, URL, params)
if (response.status != 200 or not assertJsonSuccess(data)):
print "Error while fetching the service information from the server."
print str(data)
#extract the services from the JSON response
servicesJSON = json.loads(data)
services = servicesJSON['services']
for service in services:
if service['serviceName'] == serviceName :
##delete the service
params = urllib.urlencode({'token':token,'f': 'json'})
if folderName == 'root' :
URL = "/arcgis/admin/services/"+serviceName+"."+service['type']+"/delete"
URL = "/arcgis/admin/services/"+ folderName + "/" + serviceName+"."+service['type']+"/delete"
print "Found the service '" + serviceName + "."+ service['type'] + " at '" + folderName + "' folder in the server, the service will be deleted and be re-published."
response, data = postToServer(serverName, serverPort, URL, params)
if (response.status != 200 or not assertJsonSuccess(data)):
print "Failed to delete the service: '" + serviceName + "." + service['type']
print str(data)
print "Deleted the service '" + serviceName + "."+service['type']+ " successfully."
# Script start
if __name__ == "__main__":