Product Library List Items (Production Mapping)

Уровень лицензии:BasicStandardAdvanced

Краткая информация

Returns a list of child items that are associated with a node in the Product Library Tree.

A product library stores information and data required for cartographic and digital data production in a geodatabase. Решения Esri для картографии и составления схем store business rules, documents, and spatial information inside a product library.



PLListItems_production (product_library_workspace, product_library_itempath, {product_library_ownername})
ПараметрОбъяснениеТип данных

Path to the product library workspace.


The path to the product library level that contains the files you want to view. This is specified as Solution Name::Product Class Name::Series Name::Product Name::Instance Name::AOI Name.


Product library schema owner name. Set this parameter if the user account specified in product_library_workspace is not the schema owner. This applies only to product libraries stored in enterprise geodatabases.


Пример кода

PLListItems example (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the PLListItems tool

# Name:
# Description: List the items associated with a Series in a Product Library
# Requirements: Production Mapping extension

# import arcpy and checkout a Production Mapping license
import arcpy

#Set local variables
production_database_workspace = "C:\\Data\\ProductLibrary.gdb"
product_library_itempath = "Products::Topographic Maps::Texas::Travis County"

# List items in this item path
result = arcpy.PLListItems_production(production_database_workspace, product_library_itempath)
item_list = result.getOutput(0).split(";")

# print out the items in this list
for i in item_list:
	print i

# print out the messages from PLListItems
print result.getMessages()

print "Script completed successfully."

# Check in the extension

Параметры среды

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Информация о лицензировании

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Нет
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Требует Production Mapping
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Требует Production Mapping