Create Product Library (Production Mapping)

Уровень лицензии:BasicStandardAdvanced

Краткая информация

Creates a new product library in a geodatabase.

A product library is a series of tables in a geodatabase that allows multiuser environments to centralize information and behavior for cartographic and digital data production. Production business rules, documents, and spatial information are stored inside the product library, allowing an organization to enforce and standardize production. Data model information, data validation rules, geographic extents, symbology rules, and map documents can all be managed inside the product library as examples of production business rules. A product library workspace is a required input for any product library-related workflow.



CreateProductLibrary_production (product_library_workspace, {database_config_keyword}, {product_library_extension})
ПараметрОбъяснениеТип данных

The workspace that will store the product library.


Database storage or configuration keyword. The default is Defaults.


Indicates a product library type to create in the input workspace. If not set, a Production Mapping product library is created.

  • AERONAUTICALCreates an Aeronautical product library.
  • NAUTICALCreates a Nautical product library.

Пример кода

CreateProductLibrary example (stand–alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to use the CreateProductLibrary tool.

# Name:
# Description: Creates a new Product Library in a file geodatabase
# Requirements: Production Mapping extension

# import arcpy and checkout a Production Mapping license
import arcpy

#Set local variables
product_library_workspace = "C:\\data\\productlibrary.gdb"
database_config_keyword = "DEFAULTS"

# create a product library
arcpy.CreateProductLibrary_production(product_library_workspace, database_config_keyword)

print "Script completed successfully."

# Check in the extension

Параметры среды

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Информация о лицензировании

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Нет
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Требует Production Mapping
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Требует Production Mapping