AIXM 5.1 features supported by the Import AIXM 5.1 To AIS tool (Aviation)
Эта тема относится только к ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced.
The following is a list of the AIXM 5.1 features that the Import AIXM 5.1 To AIS tool supports. To see which feature classes the features are mapped to in the AIS database, see the subtype schema mapping file found at <Install location>\Program Files\ArcGIS\AviationCharting\Desktop10.2\DataExchange\AIXM\SchemaMapper.
Supported AIXM 5.1 features
The following AIXM 5.1 features are supported by the Import AIXM 5.1 To AIS tool.
- AirportHeliport
- AirportHeliportTimeSlice
- Airspace
- AirspaceTimeSlice
- Apron
- ApronElement
- ApronElementTimeSlice
- ApronTimeSlice
- ArrivalFeederLeg
- ArrivalFeederLegTimeSlice
- ArrivalLeg
- ArrivalLegTimeSlice
- DepartureLeg
- DepartureLegTimeSlice
- DesignatedPoint
- DesignatedPointTimeSlice
- DMETimeSlice
- FinalLeg
- FinalLegTimeSlice
- InitialLeg
- InitialLegTimeSlice
- InstrumentApproachProcedure
- InstrumentApproachProcedureTimeSlice
- IntermediateLeg
- IntermediateLegTimeSlice
- Localizer
- LocalizerTimeSlice
- MarkerBeacon
- MarkerBeaconTimeSlice
- MissedApproachLeg
- MissedApproachLegTimeSlice
- Navaid
- NavaidTimeSlice
- NDBTimeSlice
- OrganisationAuthorityTimeSlice
- Route
- RouteSegment
- RouteSegmentTimeSlice
- RouteTimeSlice
- Runway
- RunwayCentrelinePoint
- RunwayElement
- RunwayElementTimeSlice
- RunwayTimeSlice
- StandardInstrumentArrivalTimeSlice
- StandardInstrumentDepartureTimeSlice
- Taxiway
- TaxiwayElement
- TaxiwayElementTimeSlice
- TaxiwayTimeSlice
- VerticalStructureTimeSlice
- VORTimeSlice
Feature classes and tables populated by the Import AIXM 5.1 To AIS tool
The following feature classes and tables in the AIS schema are populated by the AIXM 5.1 To AIS tool.
- ADHPNavaid
- ADHPSurfaceArea
- ADHPSurfaceElement
- Airspace
- AirspaceAssociation
- ATSRoute
- Availability
- DesignatedPoint
- EnrouteInformation
- NavaidAssociation
- NavaidComponent
- NavaidSystem
- Notes
- ObstaclePoint
- ObstacleStructure
- OrgAuth
- ProcedureLeg
- ProcedureLegPoint
- ProcedurePage
- SurfaceCharacteristic
- TerminalProcedure