Creating airspace lines (Aviation)

The Create Airspace Lines tool generates line data from airspace features. You use this data to generate symbology and labels for both sides of the line features.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Ensure that the correct product library and production database are set.
  3. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Aviation Data Management.
  4. Click the Create Airspace Lines button Create Airspace Lines on the Aviation Data Management toolbar.

    The Create Airspace Lines dialog box appears.

  5. In the Instance(s) to Process list, expand each node in the tree view until you find the instance against which the tool will run.
  6. Check the check box next to the instance name.
  7. Click the Preference drop-down arrow and choose a preference name.
    The Create Airspace Lines dialog box
  8. To modify the airspace line preference, click Edit.
  9. Click OK to run the create airspace lines process.

    The Create Airspace Lines Results dialog box appears.


    Click View Log on the Create Airspace Lines Results dialog box to display additional information about the Create Airspace Lines process.

  10. Щелкните Закрыть (Close).

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