Clearing bypasses (Aviation)

Clear Bypass is one of the options for the Aviation Line Bypass tool. It removes the bypasses created for line features in the chart.


This tool requires a projected coordinate system set within the active data frame's properties.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Aviation Editing.
  3. Click the Aviation Line Bypass button Line Bypass on the Aviation Editing toolbar.

    The Aviation Line Bypass dialog box Select Function area appears.

  4. Choose the Clear Bypass option.
    Select Function dialog box with the Clear Bypass option selected
  5. Click Next.

    The Aviation Line Bypass dialog box with the Select Line Features area appears.

    Select Line Features
  6. Click the Select Line Feature Layer drop-down arrow and choose the feature layer that contains the bypasses you want to clear.
  7. Choose an option for selecting line features.
    • Specify Query—You can build a query that defines which line features are used.
    • Process Selected—Uses line features that are included in the selected set.
  8. Click Next.

    If you have selected the Specify Query option, the Aviation Line Bypass dialog box Set Query area appears. Proceed to the next step.

    Set Query dialog box

    If you have selected the Process Selected option, the Set Bypass Parameters dialog box appears. Proceed to step 18.

  9. Click the ellipsis (...) next to the Line Features Query field.

    The Query Builder dialog box appears.

    Query Builder dialog box

  10. Double-click a field name in the list of fields.

    The name appears in the WHERE clause text box.

  11. Click an operator to define the query.
  12. Click Get Unique Values.

    Unique values for the field appear.

  13. If necessary, type the name or number of the unique value you want to use in the Go To field to automatically go to it in the list.
  14. Double-click the value you want to use with the query.

    The unique value is added to the query.

  15. Repeat steps 10 through 14 for each condition to be included in the query.
  16. Click OK.

    The Set Query dialog box appears.

  17. Щелкните Далее (Next).
  18. Щелкните Готово (Finish).