Geoprocessing and cartographic data (Aviation)
Map production requires extending the standard GIS with cartographic data in the form of additional attributes and features. GIS models the real world as a series of features with attributes. However, it does not always encode how to display that information. Cartography visualizes real-world features in a simplified presentation. Map production in ArcGIS uses this cartographic data to help automate and improve the map production process. The tools listed below create abstract information required for cartographic visualization. Features and attributes created by these tools can be used with other GIS processes as they are standard GIS data types.
Cartographic tool | Description |
Создает составной слой, содержащий классы пространственных объектов, содержащих различные сетки и границы, с использованием заданных картографических параметров. Слои сеток идеально подходят для задания таких параметров сетки, как определенный масштаб и экстент. | |
Удаляет из набора классов объектов все объекты, связанные с одной или более сеткой и слоем сетки. | |
Converts point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon elevation features within an area of interest (AOI) into polygon band features. Output band size is determined by defining ranges from an input attribute, such as elevation, in the input feature class or layer. A polygon feature class or feature layer defines the AOI. | |
Creates an elevation bands feature class from a Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) raster dataset. The resulting feature class is used by the Elevation Guide Bar surround element to display the high and low elevation areas on a Topographic Line Map (TLM) using a series of hypsometric gray bands. | |
Calculates Maximum Elevation Figures (MEF) for each polygon cell or quadrangle in the MEF Feature Layer. MEF values are the elevation of the highest natural or manufactured obstruction plus a vertical error and allowance. This sum is rounded to the next higher hundred-foot level. You use these values as labels for the MEF Feature Layer. | |
Generalizes input hydrographic stream data into two feature classes: one for hydro polyline features and one for hydro polygon features. The generalized versions are produced using a stream order algorithm. The algorithm removes less significant hydro features based on the number of tributaries. | |
Creates a band-specific elevation spot heights feature class from a spot heights feature class and elevation bands feature class. The resulting feature class is used by the Elevation Guide Bar surround element for display purposes. | |
Computes the magnetic field at point locations for a date and altitude you specify. Magnetic field values are written to one or more fields in the input point data. Date values must fall between 1/1/2005 and 12/31/2014. The magnetic value is calculated using the World Magnetic Model. The magnetic field values depend upon the magnetic component type. There are nine different magnetic component types. You can calculate all nine types into nine or more fields. | |
Calculates a snapshot of a feature layer by creating a snapshot value of feature geometry, extent, and symbology. The tool stores the snapshot value in a long integer field in the Input Features feature class. The Compare Layer To Snapshot tool uses the snapshot value to identify changes to geometry, extent, and symbology in a layer across multiple map documents. | |
This tool, in conjunction with the Calculate Layer Snapshot tool, selects features that have had geometry, extent, or symbology changes. |