Enabling use of the current z-value (Production Mapping)

The Update Z values on modify check box controls whether a vertex's z-value is updated to the current z-value when the vertex is modified. When this check box is checked, z-values on any modified vertices are updated to the current z-value at the time the edits are made. In contrast, if the Update Z values on modify check box is unchecked, existing z-values are retained, and the current z-value is ignored when a vertex is modified.

In the example below, if the Update Z values on modify check box is checked and you move vertex 1, the z-value will update from 27.275 to 20.

A current z-value specified on the Production Z Management toolbar
Example of a feature updated using the current z-value
Example of a feature updated using the current z-value

If that same edit is performed when the Update Z values on modify check box is not checked, the z-value for vertex 1 remains unchanged at 27.275.

Example of a vertex that retains the original z-value when moved
Example of a vertex that retains the original z-value when moved

By default, the Update Z values on modify check box is checked.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize > Toolbars > Production Editing.
  3. On the Production Editing toolbar, click Production Editing > Editing Properties.

    The Production Properties dialog box appears.

    The Editing pane on the Production Properties dialog box

    You can also open the Production Properties dialog box by clicking Customize > Production > Production Properties.

  4. Check the Update Z values on modify check box in the Z Management area.
  5. Нажмите ОК.

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