Changing data loading behavior
Эта тема относится только к ArcGIS for Desktop Standard и ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced.
You can specify registry settings to control the behavior of the parcel fabric importer engine. You can manage how curves are calculated, how many parcels are processed internally during import, and display import start and end time in the data migration log file.
Controlling the migration of curves
Controlling the calculation of curves
You can control how curves are calculated when migrating parcel data into the parcel fabric. By default, curves are calculated and displayed using the line shape of the migrated parcel. When a parcel is opened, curves are displayed using the curve dimensions.
During migration, you can specify to have your curves calculated and displayed between two points or calculated and displayed using one point. Curves displayed between two points use the record values, but the curves are always constrained between two points. Curves that are displayed using one point utilize only a from point and the dimensions. Constructing curves using one point is a good way to find incorrect curves and other curve problems in your dataset because the curve is displayed as is—from one point, using the recorded values.
- Click the Windows Start menu and click Run.
- Type Regedit in the Run dialog box.
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\Software\\ESRI\\Desktop10.2\\Cadastral.
- Right-click the Cadastral folder, point to New, then click DWORD value.
- Type COGOShape as the DWORD name.
- Double-click the DWORD to edit it.
- Choose the Decimal option.
- In the Value Data field, type COGOShapeStorage to construct curves from the parcel line shape (default), type ConstructionUsingTwoPoints to construct curves using two points, or type ConstructionUsingOnePoint to construct curves using one point.
- Click OK.
Controlling long radial lines
When running a parcel fabric adjustment on a group of parcels, flat curves with long radial lines can cause the adjustment to fail. This is because the slightest adjustment to a flat curve can result in a large adjustment of the center point of the flat curve that has long radial lines. You can use the assignAccCat7toRadialLineGreaterThanXMeters registry key to prevent long radial lines from affecting the outcome of the fabric adjustment. The registry assigns an accuracy category of 7 to radial lines greater than the value you specify for the key. If a line or parcel is assigned an accuracy category of 7, it does not affect the outcome of the fabric adjustment.
- Click the Windows Start menu and click Run.
- Type Regedit in the Run dialog box.
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\Software\\ESRI\\Desktop10.2\\Cadastral.
- Right-click the Cadastral folder, point to New, then click DWORD value.
- Type assignAccCat7ToRadialLineGreaterThanXMeters as the DWORD name.
- Double-click the DWORD to edit it.
- Choose the Decimal option.
- In the Value Data field, enter a value in meters. The default is 500 meters.
- Click OK to create the registry key.
Converting densified arcs
If the data you are migrating contains densified arcs, you can define registry keys that convert densified arcs to true curves that are within the tolerance or factor you specify. The tolerance or factor is the maximum offset distance by which the densified arc differs from a true curve. If the densified arc does not form a true curve within the tolerance you specify, the densified arc is imported as a line string (natural boundary).
The process compares the distance between each densified arc vertex and the true curve. If the distance is within the XYTolerance multiplied by a factor, the densified arc is converted. The factor is a value you specify, and the default value is 100. The registry key used is CurveDetectOffsetXMultipliedByDatasetTolerance. This registry key works with a second registry key, which defines the upper limit of the tolerance. If the XYTolerance*factor is large, only densified arcs up to a maximum tolerance that you specify are converted. The second registry key used is CurveDetectOffsetMaxMetersTolerance and the default value is 0.5 meters
If the densified arc has less than four vertices, the arc is not imported as a curve.
To add the two registry keys, follow these steps:
- Click the Windows Start menu and click Run.
- Type Regedit in the Run dialog box.
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\Software\\ESRI\\Desktop10.2\\Cadastral.
- Right-click the Cadastral folder, point to New, then click DWORD value.
- Type CurveDetectOffsetXMultipliedByDatasetTolerance as the DWORD name.
- Double-click the DWORD to edit it.
- Choose the Decimal option.
- In the Value Data field, enter a factor or tolerance. The default is 100.
- Click OK.
- Right-click the Cadastral folder, point to New, then click String Value.
- Type CurveDetectOffsetMaxMetersTolerance as the string name.
- Double-click the String to edit it.
- In the Edit String dialog box, enter a tolerance in the Value data text box. The default is 0.5 meters.
- Click OK to create the registry key.
Importer settings
Setting the internal number of contiguous parcels to process
During the import process, parcels are processed internally in batches of 500. You can modify the internal batch processing number to be higher or lower depending on the speed of your computer system.
Follow these steps to change the internal batch processing number:
- Click the windows Start menu and click Run.
- Type Regedit in the Run dialog box.
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\Software\\ESRI\\Desktop10.2\\Cadastral.
- Right-click the Cadastral folder, point to New, then click DWORD value.
- Type MaxBatchParcelsToRead as the DWORD name.
- Double-click the DWORD to edit it.
- Choose the Decimal option.
- In the Value Data field, enter a value between 1 and 995. The default is 500.
- Click OK to create the registry key.
Importing noncontiguous parcels
If you are importing noncontiguous, or scattered, groups of parcels into an existing fabric, the MaxParcelsToCreateFilterMesh registry key can be defined to improve performance. If importing a contiguous, seamless group of parcels, you do not need to define this key. The MaxParcelsToCreateFilterMesh creates a mesh of the number of parcel points being migrated. The mesh consists of miniextents around each point, and the extent is the size of the point snapping tolerance. The mesh is used to snap scattered points being migrated to existing points in the fabric. If there are more than 2,000 points in the data being migrated, mesh loading does not occur; thus, it is recommended to enter a registry key value between 500 and 2000. This registry key is also useful for importing data into a densely populated area of the fabric (dense points).
- Click the windows Start menu and click Run.
- Type Regedit in the Run dialog box.
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\Software\\ESRI\\Desktop10.2\\Cadastral.
- Right-click the Cadastral folder, point to New, then click DWORD value.
- Type MaxParcelsToCreateFilterMesh as the DWORD name.
- Double-click the DWORD to edit it.
- Choose the Decimal option.
- In the Value Data field, enter a value between 500 and 2000.
- Click OK to create the registry key.
Displaying import start and end time in the log file
You can use the WriteExtendedLogfileTimeInfo registry key to display a start and end time in the data migration log file. Start and end times are useful for monitoring the time it takes to import a certain number of parcels into the parcel fabric. By default, no start and end times are listed in the log file.
- Click the windows Start menu and click Run.
- Type Regedit in the Run dialog box.
- Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\Software\\ESRI\\Desktop10.2\\Cadastral.
- Right-click the Cadastral folder, point to New, then click DWORD value.
- Type writeExtendedLogfileTimeInfo as the DWORD name.
- Double-click the DWORD to edit it.
- Choose the Decimal option.
- In the Value Data field, enter 1 for True or 0 for False.
- Click OK to create the registry key.