Processing Options Tab
The Processing Options tab allows you to specify several functions that affect how your file is processed.
- Sort Input File
Allowing Address Coder to sort your file by ZIP Code or City greatly increases the speed at which the file is processed compared with the same file that has the addresses in a random order. This is strongly recommended.
Due to certain limitations, delimited text files that don't have a header record will not be sorted. Please attempt to sort by ZIP Code or City/State prior to processing.
- Perform GeoFix
When geocoding a file, some records will fail to get an address or street match. In these cases, GeoFix will attempt to assign a census tract based on the ZIP Code.
- Process only New records
You can choose to only process records that have been added since the last time you processed the file. Indicate what field should be checked to determine if a record is new (i.e., check to see if the GEOCODE field is blank). You can also output only the new records. If you choose this last option, take care not to output the results to a file with the same name as the input file unless it is an MS Access, Personal Geodatabase, or SQL Server file.
- Append Census Blocks where available instead of Blocks Groups
Appends a 15-character census block code instead of the standard 12 character block group.
- Site List
You may supply a list of sites to Address Coder and it will determine the closest site to each record you process. This file must be in comma-delimited format and contain three fields: an ID, Longitude, and Latitude. This function can add extra overhead to processing each record and slow overall processing speed.
- Random Sampling
You can specify the percentage of the file you want sampled. (100% = process the entire file)
- Review geocoded addresses during processing
Displays the address that was just processed and allows you to make corrections.
- Use Geocode instead of ZIP+4 to assign Tapestry Codes
If you have a *.lf file that has a Tapestry ZIP+4 license, you can choose which geography (ZIP+4 or Block Group) to use as your main source for Tapestry coding. The ZIP+4 must be contained on the input file.
- Open Shapefile in ArcMap
If you have Esri's ArcMap installed, you can open the shapefile it created using ArcMap once processing is complete. This option is ignored when jobs are run in batch mode.
- Show Business Analyst Processing Tab
If you have ArcGIS with Business Analyst installed and are creating shapefile output, you can have Address Coder show the Business Analyst tab for more processing options. Creating Business Analyst output requires that the files be stored in a predetermined location with specific names. These names can't be edited.
- Append Distance to Site
Address Coder allows you to append a distance from a specified site to each record. You can specify the location of this site by entering the Longitude and Latitude (if known) or click Locate and enter the address to allow Address Coder to determine the location. To then use this location, you also need to select Distance to Site from the Basic Variables list on the Data Items tab.
Be aware that records that can't be geocoded will receive a distance value of 99999.99.
- Record Filtering
Here, you can construct a logical Where expression to extract some subset records from your file for processing. Any change made to the Where Expression box will require you to click Validate. This will verify the syntax of your expression and, if valid, inform you of the number of records you will process. Use the single quotes around any text value, for example, STATE = 'CA'.

Some options and data variables may vary based on the locator being used.