Polygon Feature Class to CAD Lines (Samples)
Converts polygon feature classes to a CAD file with bounding lines. The coincident lines where polygons touch will be simplified to a single line.

This tool has been deprecated. For more information, see An overview of the Samples toolbox.
Output line features will be created for each input line, and polygon boundary. If input lines or polygon boundaries cross, the output lines will be split at those locations.
Multiple input features will be written to the same output CAD file.
PolygonFeatureClasstoCADLines_samples (input_features, output_file, output_type, {seed_file})
Параметр | Объяснение | Тип данных |
input_features |
The polygon feature class that will be used to create CAD lines. | Layer | Table View |
output_file |
The output CAD file that contains the bounding lines from the polygon feature classes. | String |
output_type |
Specifies the output CAD type and version. | CAD Drawing Dataset |
seed_file (дополнительно) |
An existing CAD drawing whose contents, documents, and layer properties will be used for all new output CAD files. | CAD Drawing Dataset |
Параметры среды
Текущая рабочая область (Current Workspace), Выходное значение Z по умолчанию (Default Output Z Value), Выходное ключевое слово CONFIG (Output CONFIG Keyword), Выходной домен M (Output M Domain), Выходной домен XY (Output XY Domain), Выходной домен Z (Output Z Domain), Выходная система координат (Output Coordinate System), Экстент (Extent), Выходные данные содержат значения M (Output has M values), Выходная пространственная сетка 1, 2, 3 (Output Spatial Grid 1, 2, 3), Выходная пространственная сетка 1, 2, 3 (Output Spatial Grid 1, 2, 3), Выходная пространственная сетка 1, 2, 3 (Output Spatial Grid 1, 2, 3), Временная рабочая область (Scratch Workspace)