InsertCursor (arcpy.da)


InsertCursor establishes a write cursor on a feature class or table. InsertCursor can be used to add new rows.


When using InsertCursor on a point feature class, creating a PointGeometry and setting it to the SHAPE@ token is a comparatively expensive operation. Instead, define the point feature using tokens such as SHAPE@XY, SHAPE@Z, and SHAPE@M for faster, more efficient access.


Opening simultaneous insert or update operations on the same workspace using different cursors requires the start of an edit session.


arcpy.da.InsertCursor should not to be confused with arcpy.InsertCursor.


InsertCursor (in_table, field_names)
パラメータ説明データ タイプ

The feature class, layer, table, or table view.


A list (or tuple) of field names. For a single field, you can use a string instead of a list of strings.

Use an asterisk (*) instead of a list of fields if you want to access all fields from the input table (raster and BLOB fields are excluded). However, for faster performance and reliable field order, it is recommended that the list of fields be narrowed to only those that are actually needed.

Raster fields are not supported.

Additional information can be accessed using tokens (such as OID@) in place of field names:

  • SHAPE@XYフィーチャの重心を表す X 座標と Y 座標の組み合わせ
  • SHAPE@TRUECENTROIDフィーチャの真の重心を表す X 座標と Y 座標の組み合わせ
  • SHAPE@Xフィーチャの X 座標の 2 倍
  • SHAPE@Yフィーチャの Y 座標の 2 倍
  • SHAPE@Zフィーチャの Z 座標の 2 倍
  • SHAPE@Mフィーチャの M 値の 2 倍
  • SHAPE@JSON ジオメトリを表す esri JSON 文字列
  • SHAPE@WKBOGC ジオメトリの WKB(Well-Known Binary)表現。ジオメトリ値の汎用的な表現が、連続的なバイト ストリームとして提供されます。
  • SHAPE@WKTOGC ジオメトリの WKT(Well-Known Text)表現。ジオメトリ値の汎用的な表現が、テキスト文字列として提供されます。
  • SHAPE@フィーチャのジオメトリ オブジェクト

Polygon, polyline, or multipoint features can only be created using the SHAPE@ token.


SHAPE@JSON、SHAPE@WKB、SHAPE@WKT トークンは、ArcGIS 10.1 Service Pack 1 で利用可能になりました。



プロパティ説明データ タイプ

A tuple of field names used by the cursor.

The tuple will include all fields (and tokens) specified by the field_names argument. If the field_names argument is set to "*", the fields property will include all fields used by the cursor. When using "*", geometry values will be returned in a tuple of the x,y-coordinates (equivalent to the SHAPE@XY token).



insertRow (row)

Inserts a row into a table.


insertRow (row)
パラメータ説明データ タイプ

A list or tuple of values. The order of values must be in the same order as specified when creating the cursor.

When updating fields, if the incoming values match the type of field, the values will be cast as necessary. For example, a value of 1.0 to a string field will be added as "1.0", and a value of "25" added to a float field will be added as 25.0.

データ タイプ説明

insertRow returns the objectid of the new row.


Use InsertCursor to insert new rows into a table.

import arcpy
import datetime

# Create an insert cursor for a table specifying the fields that will
# have values provided
fields = ['rowid', 'distance', 'CFCC', 'DateInsp']
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor('D:/data/base.gdb/roads_maint', fields)

# Create 25 new rows. Set default values on distance and CFCC code
for x in xrange(0, 25):
    cursor.insertRow((x, 100, 'A10',

# Delete cursor object
del cursor

Use InsertCursor with the SHAPE@XY token to add point features to a point feature class.

import arcpy

# A list of values that will be used to construct new rows
row_values = [('Anderson', (1409934.4442000017, 1076766.8192000017)),
              ('Andrews', (752000.2489000037, 1128929.8114))]

# Open an InsertCursor
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor('C:/data/texas.gdb/counties',
                               ['NAME', 'SHAPE@XY'])

# Insert new rows that include the county name and a x,y coordinate
#  pair that represents the county center
for row in row_values:

# Delete cursor object
del cursor

Use InsertCursor with the SHAPE@ token to add a new feature using a geometry object.

import arcpy

# Create a polyline geometry
array = arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(459111.6681, 5010433.1285),
                     arcpy.Point(472516.3818, 5001431.0808),
                     arcpy.Point(477710.8185, 4986587.1063)])
polyline = arcpy.Polyline(array)

# Open an InsertCursor and insert the new geometry
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor('C:/data/texas.gdb/counties', ['SHAPE@'])

# Delete cursor object
del cursor

