例: すべてのサービスのプロパティの CSV ファイルへの書き込み

このサンプル スクリプトでは、ArcGIS REST API を使用して、すべてのサービスの選択したプロパティを読み取り、これらのプロパティを CSV(カンマ区切り)ファイルに書き込みます。すべてのサービス タイプを処理する必要があるため、スクリプトに含まれるコードの量は比較的多くなっています。

このスクリプトは、Microsoft Excel などのスプレッドシート プログラムで簡単に表示できる、サービス プロパティの読み取り専用のレポートを生成します。


スプレッドシートを使用してサービス プロパティをバッチ処理で編集する場合は、別のスクリプトを作成して、CSV ファイルから値を読み取り、これらの値をサービスへの編集として適用します。この処理の詳細については、「例: サービス プロパティの編集」をご参照ください。

# Reads the following properties from services and writes them to a comma-delimited file:
#  ServiceName, Folder, Type, Status, Min Instances, Max Instances, KML,
#  WMS, Max Records, Cluster, Cache Directory, Jobs Directory, Output Directory

# For HTTP calls
import httplib, urllib, json

# For system tools
import sys

# For reading passwords without echoing
import getpass

def main(argv=None):

    # Ask for admin/publisher user name and password
    username = raw_input("Enter user name: ")
    password = getpass.getpass("Enter password: ")

    # Ask for server name & port
    serverName = raw_input("Enter server name: ")
    serverPort = 6080

    # Get the location and the name of the file to be created
    resultFile = raw_input("Output File: ")

    # Get a token
    token = getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort)

    # Get the root info
    serverURL = "/arcgis/admin/services/"

    # This request only needs the token and the response formatting parameter 
    params = urllib.urlencode({'token': token, 'f': 'json'})

    headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}

    # Connect to URL and post parameters    
    httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
    httpConn.request("POST", serverURL, params, headers)

    # Read response
    response = httpConn.getresponse()
    if (response.status != 200):
        print "Could not read folder information."
        data = response.read()
        # Check that data returned is not an error object
        if not assertJsonSuccess(data):          
            print "Error when reading server information. " + str(data)
            print "Processed server information successfully. Now processing folders..."

        # Deserialize response into Python object
        dataObj = json.loads(data)

        #Store the Folders in a list to loop on
        folders = dataObj["folders"]

        #Remove the System and Utilities folders

        #Add an entry for the root folder

        #Create the summary file of services
        serviceResultFile = open(resultFile,'w')
        serviceResultFile.write("ServiceName,Folder,Type,Status,Min Instances,Max Instances,FeatureService,kml,wms,Max Records,Cluster,Cache Directory,Jobs Directory,Output Directory" + "\n")

        #Loop on the found folders and discover the services and write the service information
        for folder in folders:
            # Determine if the loop is working on the root folder or not
            if folder != "":
                folder += "/"

            # Build the URL for the current folder
            folderURL = "/arcgis/admin/services/" + folder
            params = urllib.urlencode({'token': token, 'f': 'json'})
            headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}

            # Connect to URL and post parameters    
            httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
            httpConn.request("POST", folderURL, params, headers)

            # Read response
            response = httpConn.getresponse()
            if (response.status != 200):
                print "Could not read folder information."
                data = response.read()
                # Check that data returned is not an error object
                if not assertJsonSuccess(data):          
                    print "Error when reading folder information. " + str(data)
                    print "Processed folder information successfully. Now processing services..."

                # Deserialize response into Python object
                dataObj = json.loads(data)

                # Loop through each service in the folder   
                for item in dataObj['services']:

                    if item["type"] == "GeometryServer":# and folder == "":
                        # Build the Service URL
                        if folder:
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                        httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)
                        # Get the response
                        servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)

                        # Build the Service URL to test the running status

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)
                        servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()

                        # Obtain the data from the response
                        readData = servStatusResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)

                        # Build the line to write to the output file
                        ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" +"\n"

                        # Write the results to the file

                    elif item["type"] == "SearchServer":# and folder == "":
                        if folder:
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                        httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servStatusResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)
                        # Build the line to write to the output file
                        ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["jobsDirectory"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"

                        # Write the results to the file
                    elif item["type"] == "ImageServer":
                        # Build the Service URL
                        if folder:
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)

                        # Build the Service URL to test the running status
                        if folder:
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servStatusResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)

                        # Extract the WMS properties from the response
                        wmsProps = [imageWMS for imageWMS in jsonOBJ["extensions"] if imageWMS["typeName"] == 'WMSServer']#.items()[0][1] == 'WMSServer']

                        if len(wmsProps) > 0:
                            wmsStatus = str(wmsProps[0]["enabled"])
                            wmsStatus = "NA"

                        # Build the line to write to the output file
                        ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + wmsStatus +"," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["cacheDir"]) + "," + "NA," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"

                        # Write the results to the file               
                    elif item["type"] == "GlobeServer":
                        # Build the Service URL
                        if folder:
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)

                        #Build the Service URL to test the running status
                        if folder:
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servStatusResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)

                        # Build the line to write to the output file
                        ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["maxRecordCount"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["cacheDir"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"

                        # Write the results to the file

                    elif item["type"] == "GPServer":
                        # Build the Service URL
                        if folder:
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)

                        # Build the Service URL to test the running status
                        if folder:
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servStatusResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)

                        # Build the line to write to the output file
                        ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["jobsDirectory"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"

                        # Write the results to the file
                    elif item["type"] == "GeocodeServer":

                        # Build the Service URL
                        if folder:
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)

                        if folder:
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servStatusResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)

                        # Build the line to write to the output file
                        ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"

                        # Write the results to the file
                    elif item["type"] == "GeoDataServer":
                        # Build the Service URL
                        if folder:
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)

                        if folder:
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servStatusResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)

                        # Build the line to write to the output file
                        ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["maxRecordCount"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + "NA" + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"

                        # Write the results to the file
                    elif item["type"] == "MapServer":
                        # Build the Service URL
                        if folder:
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            sUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", sUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJ = json.loads(readData)

                        # Build the Service URL to test the running status
                        if folder:
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s%s.%s/status" %(folder,item["serviceName"], item["type"])
                            statusUrl = "/arcgis/admin/services/%s.%s/status" %(item["serviceName"], item["type"])

                        # Submit the request to the server
                        httpConn.request("POST", statusUrl, params, headers)

                        # Get the response
                        servStatusResponse = httpConn.getresponse()
                        readData = servStatusResponse.read()
                        jsonOBJStatus = json.loads(readData)

                        # Check for Map Cache
                        isCached = jsonOBJ["properties"]["isCached"]
                        if isCached == "true":
                            cacheDir = str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["cacheDir"])
                            cacheDir = jsonOBJ["properties"]["isCached"]

                        if len(jsonOBJ["extensions"]) == 0:
                            # Build the line to write to the output file
                            ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + "FeatServHolder" + "," + "Disabled" + "," + "Disabled" +"," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["maxRecordCount"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + cacheDir + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"
                            # Extract the KML properties from the response
                            kmlProps = [mapKML for mapKML in jsonOBJ["extensions"] if mapKML["typeName"] == 'KmlServer']#.items()[0][1] == 'KmlServer']

                            # Extract the WMS properties from the response
                            wmsProps = [mapWMS for mapWMS in jsonOBJ["extensions"] if mapWMS["typeName"] == 'WMSServer']#.items()[0][1] == 'WMSServer']

                            # Extract the FeatureService properties from the response
                            featServProps = [featServ for featServ in jsonOBJ["extensions"] if featServ["typeName"] == 'FeatureServer']#.items()[0][1] == 'FeatureServer']

                            if len(featServProps) > 0:
                                featureStatus = str(featServProps[0]["enabled"])
                                featureStatus = "NA"

                            if len(kmlProps) > 0:
                                kmlStatus = str(kmlProps[0]["enabled"])
                                kmlStatus = "NA"

                            if len(wmsProps) > 0:
                                wmsStatus = str(wmsProps[0]["enabled"])
                                wmsStatus = "NA"

                            ln = str(jsonOBJ["serviceName"]) + "," + folder + "," + str(item["type"]) + "," + jsonOBJStatus['realTimeState'] + "," + str(jsonOBJ["minInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["maxInstancesPerNode"]) + "," + featureStatus + "," + kmlStatus + "," + wmsStatus +"," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["maxRecordCount"]) + "," + str(jsonOBJ["clusterName"]) + "," + cacheDir + "," + "NA" + "," + str(jsonOBJ["properties"]["outputDir"]) +"\n"

                        # Write the results to the file
                        # Close the connection to the current service
        # Close the file

def getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort):
    # Token URL is typically http://server[:port]/arcgis/admin/generateToken
    tokenURL = "/arcgis/admin/generateToken"
    params = urllib.urlencode({'username': username, 'password': password, 'client': 'requestip', 'f': 'json'})
    headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
    # Connect to URL and post parameters
    httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
    httpConn.request("POST", tokenURL, params, headers)
    # Read response
    response = httpConn.getresponse()
    if (response.status != 200):
        print "Error while fetching tokens from admin URL. Please check the URL and try again."
        data = response.read()
        # Check that data returned is not an error object
        if not assertJsonSuccess(data):            
        # Extract the token from it
        token = json.loads(data)        
        return token['token']            

# A function that checks that the input JSON object 
#  is not an error object.
def assertJsonSuccess(data):
    obj = json.loads(data)
    if 'status' in obj and obj['status'] == "error":
        print "Error: JSON object returns an error. " + str(obj)
        return False
        return True

if __name__ == "__main__":