Generate Light Sector (Nautical)

ライセンス レベル:BasicStandardAdvanced


Creates light sector features based on a specified point feature class. Light sectors typically appear on nautical charts and depict the distance a light can be seen from its source. Light sectors are based on light features in the AidsToNavigationP feature class in the ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting.



GenerateLightSector_nautical (in_features, boundary_length, blength_unit, sector_radius, radius_unit, start_angle, start_angle_unit, end_angle, end_angle_unit, out_features, output_symbol, {where_clause}, {angle_origin})
パラメータ説明データ タイプ

The feature class that contains the light features.

Feature Layer

The length of the boundary lines for the light sector. This is the line that appears on the chart. The value for the line length can be populated based on a specified value or from a field.

  • DoubleThe line length is determined by a value you specify.
  • FieldThe line length is determined by an appropriate field you are using for the line sectors. One field that could be used is Value of nominal range (VALNMR).

The length of the line is calculated in nautical miles by default.


The unit of measurement to use with the length of the light sector boundaries on the chart. When you choose a different unit of measurement, the length is converted from nautical miles to the units you have selected for display on the chart. You can choose from the following page and map units: nautical miles, unknown units, feet, yards, miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, decimal degrees, and decimeters.

To use page units, the data needs to be projected and the reference scale set.


The value that represents where the radius for the line sectors is going to be generated in relation to the light. The arc falls between the two boundaries of the light sector. The radius is generated at a distance from the light sector using the units of measurement you select. You can either specify a value for the radius or chose a field in the feature class that contains the radius values.

  • DoubleThe radius is generated at a distance you specify.
  • FieldThe radius is generated based on the value in the field you choose on the feature class.

The unit of measurement for the radius arc that extends between the two light sector boundaries. You can choose from the following page and map units: nautical miles, unknown, points, feet, yards, miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, decimal degrees, and decimeters.

To use page units, the data needs to be projected and the reference scale set.


The field that contains the value that defines the angle at which the light sector begins. This value is interpreted as a bearing from the ship to the light. The angle for the light sector is calculated in decimal degrees, clockwise from the north.

The value is in the SECTR1 field for S-57 data.


The unit of measurement for the angle at which the light sector begins. It is converted from nautical miles to the unit of measurement you choose. You can choose one of the following page or map units: decimal degrees, unknown units, points, feet, yard, miles, nautical miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, and decimeters.

By default, the value in the SECTR1 field is in decimal degrees.


The field that contains the value that defines the angle at which the light sector ends. This value is interpreted as a bearing from the ship to the light. The angle for the light sector is calculated in decimal degrees, clockwise from the north.

The value is in the SECTR2 field for S-57 data.


The unit of measurement for the angle at which the light sector ends. It is converted from nautical miles to the unit of measurement you choose. You can choose one of the following page or map units: decimal degrees, unknown units, points, feet, yard, miles, nautical miles, millimeters, centimeters, meters, kilometers, and decimeters.

By default, the value in the SECTR2 field is in decimal degrees.


The feature class to store the light sectors. You can click the Browse button to either create a new feature class in a specified database or append the new light sectors to an existing feature class. If the feature class exists, light sectors will be appended to the feature class.

Feature Layer

The name of the field that stores the symbol value for the light sectors. The symbol value is associated with a symbol in the style associated with the data specification. You can click the Output Symbol Field drop-down arrow to choose an existing field or type a new field name in the text box.


The field has to be at least three characters.


An SQL expression that defines which features from the selected feature class should have light sectors generated.

SQL Expression

Indicates whether the angle origin is land based or seaward.

  • SHIPThe angle origin is based on the ship's position at sea. This is the default value.
  • LIGHTThe angle origin is based on the light's position on land.


GenerateLightSector example (Python window)

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use the GenerateLightSector tool.

# input light features
inFeatures = "c:/data/nautical.sde/NIS.DBO.Nautical/NIS.DBO.AidsToNavigationP"

# boundary lenght and unit
boundaryLength = 10
boundaryLengthUnit = "Nautical Miles"

# sector radius and unit
sectorRadius = 10
sectorRadiusUnit = "Nautical Miles"

# start angle field and unit
startAngle = "SECTR1" 
startAngleUnit = "Decimal Degrees"

# end angle field and unit
endAngle = "SECTR2" 
endAngleUnit = "Decimal Degrees" 

# output light sectors and symbols
outFeatures = "c:/data/outputNauticalData.gdb/lightSectors"
outSymbols = "lightSymbol"

# execute GenerateLightSector tool
res = arcpy.GenerateLightSector_nautical(inFeatures,boundaryLength,boundaryLengthUnit,sectorRadius,sectorRadiusUnit,startAngle,startAngleUnit,endAngle,endAngleUnit,outFeatures,outSymbols)

print "Successfully created light sectors in " + str(res.getOutput(0))




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