Notice to Mariners (Maritime Charting)

Notice to Mariners (NTM) contain specific instructions on how to apply modifications to a nautical chart. You can find these notices on the issuing agency's website. The NTM Parser tool allows you to generate a comma-delimited file based on information downloaded from the NTM. Once the NTM Parser tool generates the text file, you use the Notice to Mariners tool to review and make the changes described by the NTM.

The NTM Parser tool

The NTM Parser tool parses the Notice to Mariners information downloaded from the NGA website into a comma-delimited format. The Notice to Mariners tool loads the parsed file into a table in ArcMap.

The Notice to Mariners tool

The Notice To Mariners tool allows you to apply the NTM corrections to a nautical chart. You can choose which corrections to implement and automatically modify features. You can do the following:

