Writing selected features to the Reviewer table (Maritime Charting)

Features that are selected either inside or outside an edit session can be written to the Reviewer table from the Feature Manager. Using the Commit To Reviewer Table command, you can write groups of selected features, or all of them, to the Reviewer table as new records. For instance, if you notice that features have not been digitized correctly based on their real-world locations, you can write them to the Reviewer table so they can be updated.

When the features are written to the Reviewer table, the CHECKTITLE and ORIGINCHECK fields indicate that the features are from the Feature Manager.

The Reviewer table with features from the Update tab

You can also use the Browse Features window to write features to the Reviewer table. However, the Update tab allows you to write consecutive or nonconsecutive groups of features to the Reviewer table. You can also identify which features are currently selected on the Update tab; you can only browse to each one on the Browse Features window.

  1. Select features using one of the following tools:
    • Select Features tool フィーチャ選択 on the Tools toolbar
    • Edit tool Edit Tool on the Production Editing toolbar

    The selected features appear on the Update tab on the Manage Features window.

  2. Start a Reviewer session in one of the following:
  3. Select one or more features on the Update tab.
  4. Right-click the selection and click Commit To Reviewer Table.

    The Commit To Reviewer Table dialog box appears.

    Commit To Reviewer Table dialog box
  5. Choose a Reviewer status option in the Enter Review Status list.

    If you choose Add Feature, Delete Feature, Move Feature, Reshape Line, or Reshape Area, the value appears in the Description text box, but it remains uneditable.

    If you choose Custom or Change Subtype to, the Description text becomes editable.


    The Review status information appears in the REVIEWSTATUS cell in the Reviewer table.

  6. If necessary, type a description for the Review status in the Description text box.
  7. If necessary, type additional details about the feature in the Notes text box.
  8. If necessary, click the Severity drop-down arrow and choose a value that indicates the priority of the feature that is being committed to the Reviewer table.

    The values range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest.

  9. [OK] をクリックします。

The features are written to the Reviewer table.

