Flashing a selected feature (Maritime Charting)

When features are selected in ArcMap and you are using Feature Manager, you can choose to flash the selected feature when you select it on the Update tab. This allows you to see the exact location of the feature in the map. For example, if you have 25 building points selected in the map, it can be helpful to flash individual features in the map so you can see which one is currently being edited.

  1. Select features using one of the following tools:
    • The Select Features tool フィーチャ選択 on the Tools toolbar
    • The Edit tool Edit Tool on the Production Editing toolbar
  2. Right-click a selected feature in the tree view on the Update tab on the Manage Features window and click Flash.

    When a feature is selected in the tree view, it flashes in the map.


    The Flash option can be used in conjunction with the Pan or Zoom To commands so the selected feature is at the center of the data frame when it is selected.

