What is ArcGIS for Aviation? (Aviation)

このトピックは、ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced にのみ該当します。

ArcGIS for Aviation is part of a complete system for managing data, products, workflows, and quality. It is an ArcGIS for Desktop extension that tightly integrates with ArcGIS for Server and other extensions such as ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension for Desktop, ArcGIS Spatial Analyst エクステンション, ArcGIS 3D Analyst エクステンション, and ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop. ArcGIS for Aviation is bundled with complementary components that include Esri Production Mapping tools, ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop, and Task Assistant Manager. Together, these components provide the aviation industry with a comprehensive solution to solve challenges and inefficiencies for aviation data, product, workflow, and quality management. ArcGIS for Aviation provides a resolution to the challenges that the aviation industry faces, such as the demand for more products, operating budget cut-backs, dynamic lists of standards, and numerous changes to information.

ArcGIS for Aviation focuses on four main sections: data, product, workflow, and quality management. The primary objective of ArcGIS for Aviation is to efficiently manage aviation information, products, and integrated workflows to generate navigational products compliant with standards.

The Esri Mapping and Charting Solutions include industry-specific, standards-based templates, rules, and tools. Through configuration, the tools and processes can be adapted to meet maturing business needs, and therefore an API is not included for customization.

Managing data

With ArcGIS for Aviation, you can

Managing products

With ArcGIS for Aviation you can

Aviation products you can create include International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)-compliant charts, standard instrument departure charts, instrument approach charts, enroute charts, and visual flight rule charts (visual approach charts or sectionals).

Managing workflows

Workflow management is crucial to managing the flow of information and keeping track of the status of jobs, data updates, and chart production. Workflows manage all components to perform and monitor work efficiently by standardizing processes, centralizing knowledge, and organizing tasks and people.

You can

Managing quality

With ArcGIS for Aviation, you can verify data integrity with native spatial or attribute and topological data validation within a GIS environment (Data Reviewer) before it is committed to the database.
