Committing records to the Reviewer table based on attribute values (Aviation)
Using the Review Attributes command, you can choose a feature class, then a field within the feature class, and view all the unique values for that field. When you choose a unique value, you can immediately see how many features contain the selected value and commit them to the Reviewer table as needed.
This command allows you to choose a feature layer in the table of contents, then indicate a text field whose values you can use to filter. Some examples of a text field that could be used include f_code/F_CODE, NAM, OPERATOR, and ORIGINATING_SOURCE.

Although the gfid/GFID attribute is a text field, it is not listed in the Review Attributes dialog box.
- Start ArcMap.
- If necessary, load data in the map.
- On the main menu, click Customize → Toolbars → Data Reviewer.
- Start a Reviewer session in one of the following:
On the Data Reviewer toolbar, click Data Reviewer → Review Attributes.
The Review Attributes dialog box appears.
- Click the Layer drop-down arrow and choose the feature layer from which you want to select features.
- Click the Field drop-down arrow and choose a field.
All the unique values for the field appear in the Unique value list.
- Choose a unique value in the Unique value list.
- Click Select.
The map scale changes to show all the features in the feature class that contain the value you have chosen. The number of features that contain the value appears in the of field.
- Choose the Zoom to feature option if you want the map to zoom to each individual feature, or you can choose the Pan to feature option to pan to features.
- Click the arrow buttons to navigate the records and zoom to the individual features.
Click the Commit To Reviewer Table button
The Commit to Reviewer Table dialog box appears.
You can also write all records at once with the unique value you choose.
Choose a Reviewer status option in the Enter Review Status list.
If you choose Add Feature, Delete Feature, Move Feature, Reshape Line, or Reshape Area, the value appears in the Description text box, but it remains uneditable.
If you choose Custom or Change Subtype to, the Description text becomes editable.
The Review status information appears in the REVIEWSTATUS cell in the Reviewer table.
- If necessary, type a description for the Review status in the Description text box.
- If necessary, type additional details about the feature in the Notes text box.
If necessary, click the Severity drop-down arrow and choose a value that indicates the priority of the feature that is being committed to the Reviewer table.
The values range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the highest priority and 5 being the lowest.
Click OK.
The Review Attributes dialog box appears.
- Repeat steps 6–17 as needed.
- Click Close to close the Review Attributes dialog box.