Merging DEMs (Aviation)
For the purposes of contour creation, temporary rasters can be generated using the original digital elevation model (DEM) files with the Merge And Filter DEMs tool. When the DEMs are merged, they are combined into a single new DEM that can be used for contour generation without modifying your original DEMs.

You must have the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst エクステンション enabled to perform this task. For information on enabling the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst エクステンション, see Enabling the ArcGIS Spatial Analyst extension.
- Start ArcMap.
- Load the DEMs files you want to filter.
- On the main menu, click Customize → Toolbars → Production Contouring.
Click the Merge And Filter DEMs button
on the Production Contouring toolbar.
The Merge and Filter DEMs dialog box appears.
Click Merge Only in the Operation area.
The DEMs can be merged and filtered at the same time by choosing the Merge and Filter Result option.
Click the Open button
next to the Merging/Filtering Output DEM Workspace field.
The Choose DEMs Folder dialog box appears.
Navigate to a current raster folder.
The folder you choose must be a preexisting DEM workspace.
Click Open.
The Merge and Filter DEMs dialog box appears.
- Type a name for the merged file in the Merged Output Name text box.
- [OK] をクリックします。