Exercise 1: Creating a product library for data editing (Production Mapping)

複雑性: 初級 データ要件: ArcGIS.com 目的: In this exercise, you will create a new database that will be your product library. You will also extract the schema of the editing sample data and use this to create a data model.

The product library is used to store validation rules and field configuration rules for your data. Within the product library, your business rules are associated to a data model (which is essentially the schema of your data).

In this exercise, you will create a new database that will be your product library. You will also extract the schema of the editing sample data and use this to create a data model.

Exercise 1a: Creating a product library

A product library is a database that is used to store product information. For a database to be a product library, it must contain certain tables and feature classes. These tables will be automatically created in a database when you choose it as your product library. For this exercise you will point to an empty file geodatabase that will be used as the product library.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. On the main menu, click Customize Toolbars Production Editing.
  3. Click the Add Data button データの追加 on the Standard toolbar.
  4. Navigate to the installation directory for the ProductLibrary tutorial directory and load the Features dataset and BuildingOwners table from the Edit_Sample.gdb.
  5. Click the Product Library button Product Library window on the Production Editing toolbar.

    The Product Library dockable window appears.

  6. At this point you should see the Product Library and Production Data main levels in bold. The Production Data level will list all data workspaces that are currently in the map. Therefore, Edit_Sample.gdb should appear in the tree.
    In the next steps you will choose what database will be your product library database. You will also add rules to the product library that will appear as child levels in the tree.
    Product Library window initial display
  7. Right-click Product Library and click Select Product Library.

    The Choose Product Library Workspace dialog box appears.

  8. Navigate to the <Install location> of the ProductLibrary tutorial directory and select the ProductLibrary.gdb.

    This is an empty file geodatabase. To convert this database into a product library geodatabase, a number of tables will need to be added.

    Choose Product Library Workspace dialog box
  9. Click Open.

    The Create Product Library Workspace dialog box appears.

  10. Create Product Library Workspace dialog box
  11. Click OK.

    The necessary tables will be added to the ProductLibrary.gdb so that it contains the tables necessary for it to be used as a product library.

  12. If necessary, click OK on the Creating Product Library Workspace progress dialog box after it is complete.

    The Product Library level in the Product Library window now contains two child nodes: Data Models and Products. Data models are used to identify the different schemas of the database for which you will manage configuration rules. The Products node is used in cartographic production for managing your maps and associated data.

    Product Library window with Data Models and Products levels

Exercise 1b: Creating a data model version

A data model is essentially the schema of your database. The way fields are displayed and what validation rules are required are specific to the schema of the database. If the schema of the data changes, a new data model version is created and new field configurations and validation rules should be associated to reflect the schema of the new data model version.

  1. Right-click Data Models on the window and click New Data Model.

    The New Data Model dialog box appears.

    New Data Model dialog box
  2. Type EditSample as the name of the data model in the Name text box.
  3. Type Edit Sample as the alias for the data model in the Alias text box.
  4. Type Data model version for the EditSample.gdb sample database as the description of the data model in the Description text box.
  5. New Data Model dialog box with properties defined
  6. Click OK.

    A new Edit Sample data model appears below the Data Models node in the Product Library tree view.

    Product Library tree view with Edit Sample data model
  7. Right-click on Edit Sample in the Product Library tree view and click New Data Model Version.

    The Data Models dialog box appears.

    Data Models dialog box
  8. In the Version Information area, type 1 in the Major text box.
  9. You can leave all the other version properties set at 0. The version number is used to uniquely identify each edition of the schema of your data. If you update the schema (for example adding a new feature class), you will need to create a new data model version with a unique value in the Version Information area.
  10. Click the ellipsis (...) next to the Choose Data Model Workspace text box.

    The Browse to the workspace document dialog box appears.

  11. Click the Show of type drop-down arrow and choose Geodatabases.
  12. Browse to the workspace document dialog box
  13. Navigate to the Edit_Sample.gdb database and click Select.

    The Edit_Sample.gdb file is in the ProductLibrary directory where the tutorial data was copied.

    A progress dialog box appears as the schema of the Edit_Sample.gdb is extracted from the database. If necessary, click OK to close the Exporting Data Model Workspace Schema dialog box once the process is complete. This will return you to the Data Models dialog box listing all the feature datasets and tables included in the data model.

    Feature datasets and tables listed
  14. [OK] をクリックします。
  15. The data model version is created.
  16. If necessary, click OK on the Creating Data Model Version progress dialog box after the process has completed.
  17. A new data model version with the version number ( is added to the Product Library tree view below the Edit Sample data model.
    Product Library window with new data model version
    You have now successfully created a data model and data model version. Remember that the data model represents the schema of the database. In Exercise 2 and Exercise 3 you will create some of the configurations that relate to the data model. But first you want to create a link/association between the data model you just created and the data that you loaded into your map (Edit_Sample.gdb). When you create this association, various tools in Production Mapping, such as the Feature Manager, will automatically know what configuration rules to use.

Exercise 1c: Associating the production data to a data model version

The production database is essentially the database that is being edited. In earlier exercises you created a data model version which represents the schema of the database and the product class version which will contain the configuration files. To ensure that the correct configuration files are used when editing a database, you need to set the production database properties to associated the database.

  1. Locate the Edit_Sample.gdb below the Production Data level in the Product Library window.

    If this geodatabase does not appear, it could mean that you did not load the Edit_Sample.gdb data into the map. See steps 3 and 4 in Exercise 1a.

  2. Right-click Edit_Sample.gdb and click Create Production Database.

    The Create Production Database Workspace dialog appears.

    Create Production Database Workspace dialog box
  3. Click OK.

    When choosing a geodatabase as a production database, additional tables are added to the database to link it with a product library. A progress dialog box appears as the tables are added.

  4. If necessary click OK when the process is complete.
  5. Right-click Edit_Sample.gdb and click Choose Data Model Versions.

    The Choose Data Model Versions dialog box appears.

  6. Check the Edit_Sample ( check box.
    Choose Data Model Versions dialog box
  7. Click OK.

    Your database is now linked/associated to the data model version. You will see two new levels appear below Edit_Sample.gdb in the Product Library tree view that shows the link to the Edit Sample ( data model version.

    Product library and production database created

In this exercise, you have created a product library, created the data model version, and linked the production database to the data model version. The product library is used to store field configuration rules and validation rules for your data. To create field configurations and configure attributes, proceed to Exercise 2:_Creating field configurations
