Creating a new horizontal layout rule (Production Mapping)

Horizontal alignment rules can be set to align the element in the x direction in the layout.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. Open an existing or create a new map document and add data to it.
  3. Switch to layout view.
  4. On the main menu bar, click Customize Toolbars Production Cartography.

    The Production Cartography toolbar appears.

  5. Click Layout window Layout window on the Production Cartography toolbar.

    The Layout window displays.

  6. Click the Apply Layout Rules button.

    The Apply Layout Rules dialog box appears.

  7. Click the Properties button Properties on the Apply Layout Rules dialog box.

    The Layout Rules dialog box appears.

  8. If necessary, click the Elements Placement tab.
  9. Right-click the tab, then click Placement Rules Add Rule Horizontal Rule.
  10. Type a name in the Name text box in the Horizontal Rule Properties area.
  11. Click the Align the drop-down arrow and choose a section of the element.

    The default is Left. Other options you can choose are Middle and Right.

  12. Click the of drop-down arrow and choose the element that will be affected by the rule.
  13. Click the next drop-down arrow and choose a relational statement.

    The default is Even With. Other choices include Before and After.

  14. Click the the drop-down arrow and choose a section of the element.

    The default is Left. Other options are Center and Right.

  15. Click the of drop-down arrow and choose the element's point of reference. This is the object used to determine the current element's placement. You can choose <The Page> to set up placement rules relative to the page itself.
  16. If you choose Before or After in step 13, type a value in the At a distance of text box.

    The offset distance can also be expressed as a percentage of the total page size.

  17. Click the drop-down list and choose a unit type.
  18. [OK] をクリックします。