Creating a definition query for a Reviewer table (Production Mapping)
A definition query can be used to limit which records are visible in the Reviewer table. The definition query is actually a Structured Query Language (SQL) query that is applied to the Reviewer table records. The records that match the parameters specified in the query are the only ones visible in the table. As a default, the definition query for a Reviewer table is set to match the session number.
The query can be defined using any field in the Reviewer table and all the unique values. For example, if you want to find all the errors that have been manually committed to the error table, you could set up a query such as "ORIGINCHECK = 'Reviewer Commit Error Tool'". Custom fields can also be used in the query so the table can be more focused for your needs.
Once you create the query, it can be validated, saved, and loaded. The validation process validates the query you created and informs you of the number of records that are found using the query. You can also save the query and load it as needed.
- Start ArcMap.
- Start a Reviewer session in one of the following:
Click the Reviewer Table button
on the Data Reviewer toolbar.
Click the Reviewer Table Properties button
on the Reviewer Table window.
The Reviewer Table Properties dialog box appears.
Click the Reviewer Table Definition Query tab.
Click SQL Builder.
The Select Features Using a Query dialog box appears.
Double-click a field name to use with the query in the Fields list.
The unique values are automatically populated in the Values field.
Click Add.
The field name is added to the Where Clause text box.
Click an operator.
You have a choice of standard operators, including equal, not equal, less than, and greater than, as well as operators such as Like, Or, and And.
Double-click the value to use with the query in the Values field.
You can view how many records are going to be returned by the query by clicking Verify.
Click OK.
The Reviewer Table Definition Query tab appears with the new query.
- Click OK.
The Reviewer table now only shows the records that were filtered by the query.