Essential Data Reviewer vocabulary

The following are terms that are common in the ArcGIS Data Reviewer documentation:

Batch job

A batch job is a group of checks that can be run against a data workspace. Batch jobs can be used to ensure the data conforms to the product specification your organization uses to create data and hard-copy and digital products.


A check is a tool that is used to validate data against a specific condition. For instance, the Geometry on Geometry check can be used to ensure that buildings have not been digitized on top of lakes.

Composite check

A composite check is a check that contains multiple instances of Geometry on Geometry and Table to Table Attribute checks that are used to validate one object class for multiple conditions.

Correction status

The correction status is information related to the manner in which a Reviewer table record has been resolved. This information is recorded in the Reviewer table once a record has been corrected and includes information such as who changed the correction status of the record and when and the resolution for the record.


Information that describes the content, quality, condition, origin, and other characteristics of data or other pieces of information. Metadata for spatial data may describe and document its subject matter; how, when, where, and by whom the data was collected; availability and distribution information; its projection, scale, resolution, and accuracy; and its reliability with regard to some standard. Metadata consists of properties and documentation. Properties are derived from the data source (for example, the coordinate system and projection of the data), while documentation is entered by a person (for example, keywords used to describe the data).

Metadata elements

A unit of information within metadata, used to describe a particular characteristic of the data.

Positional accuracy assessment

Positional accuracy assessment is the process of determining the quantifiable value that represents the positional difference between two geospatial layers or between a geospatial layer and the actual terrain on which the layer is based.

Reviewer session

A Reviewer session is similar to an editing session in that it must be started for check results to be recorded in the Reviewer table. The session includes properties related to the methods used to review data, the default checks that are run on the data, custom fields that you have added to the Reviewer table, and the optional workspace you want to use to store all the properties related to the Reviewer session.

Reviewer status

The Reviewer status is information that is assigned to a record when it is written to the Reviewer table and includes the user who has written the record to the table as well as the discovery method for the record, such as whether it was written to the table as the result of a check or other methods.

Reviewer table

The Reviewer table is a container for all the results of the checks and any manual quality reviews that have been performed on data. It provides a way to track the records from when they are recorded in the table through verification of the correction.

Reviewer workspace

The Reviewer workspace is a geodatabase that contains the tables and datasets associated with a Reviewer session. The tables contain the results of the Reviewer checks that have been run on the data as well as any customizations that have been applied through the Reviewer Table Properties dialog box. Advanced properties that have been configured for the Reviewer sessions are also stored in this workspace.


Sampling is the process of randomly selecting a specified number of features or a percentage of them to determine the accuracy of the data.

Schema (XML)

A set of rules, stored in a file, that describe the structure of an XML document. The number, type, and order of elements allowed in an XML document are described in the schema.

Service job

The service job file is a configuration file for the Data Reviewer service and contains information such as the Reviewer workspace and session that are going to contain the batch job results, which batch jobs are going to be run using the service, and when the checks are going to be run on the data.

Verification status

The verification status is information related to the way a Reviewer table record has been verified. This information is updated for a record after its correction status has been updated and is used to verify the record has been corrected in a manner that complies with your organization's rules.


Acronym for Extensible Markup Language. Developed by the W3C, a standardized general purpose markup language for designing text formats that facilitates the interchange of data between computer applications. XML is a set of rules for creating standard information formats using customized tags and sharing both the format and the data across applications.

XML schema definition

XML schema definition (XSD) is a language for specifying the rules to which an XML document must conform in order to be considered valid. For example, it can define the order of metadata elements or what child elements a particular element may have and their data type.


XPath (XML Path Language) is a query language defined by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that describes how to locate specific elements (and attributes, processing instructions, etc.) in an XML document. XPath treats an XML document as a logical ordered tree.

