Enabling the Task Assistant designer mode
Task Assistant Manager can be run in two different modes:
- Task Assistant designer—Allows you to create and execute task assistant workflows
- Task Assistant user—Allows you to execute task assistant workflows
Although Task Assistant Manager is installed with the Task Assistant user mode by default, you can manually enable the Task Assistant designer mode through the Configuration Manager. Once you enable the Task Assistant designer mode, you have all the tools necessary to create workflows and the steps and tasks that are part of them. You also have tools to validate the workflow. You need administrator privileges to switch to Task Assistant designer mode.
Click Start → All Programs → Task Assistant Manager → Configuration Manager.
The (Administrator) Configuration Manager dialog box appears.
If you do not have administrator privileges on the machine, the dialog box title is Configuration Manager, and you cannot change to Task Assistant designer mode.
Click the Settings tab.
- Check the Run as Designer check box.
- [閉じる] をクリックします。

You can uncheck the Run as Designer check box to return Task Assistant user mode.