Exercise 3: Adding a step with navigation tools
Once a task assistant workflow has been created, you can add tools to use with it. In this exercise, you will add the following tools:
- Pan
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out

Highlight the last item on the list in the Task Assistant window to make sure the next step you create is added below the previous steps.
Click the New Step button
on the Task Assistant window.
A new step appears in the Task Assistant window.
- Click to highlight New Step.
Click the Designer tab.
- Click the cell next to Description and type Adds Pan, Zoom In, Zoom Out to Tool Palette.
Click the cell next to Name, double-click the existing text, then type Navigation Tools.
The Task Assistant window displays the following:
Click the cell next to Commands and click the ellipsis (...) that appears.
The Command Item Editor dialog box appears.
- In the Categories list, click Pan/Zoom.
In the Commands list, double-click the following:
- Pan
- Zoom In
- Zoom Out
- Click OK to close the Command Item Editor dialog box.
To review the complete configuration information for the step, press SHIFT and click the step in the Task Assistant window to display the configuration information.
Click the Close button
in the upper right to close the window.
The tools have been associated with a workflow step. To proceed to the next exercise, click Exercise 4: Adding a step to configure feature layers.