Custom formats

A custom format is a translation workspace that is exported from FME Workbench as a format and utilized in the FME reader gallery. It is saved to an external .fds file and can be imported to reader galleries on other desktops.

There are two ways to create a custom format:


Creating a custom format adds the format to the FME reader gallery. Once created, subsequent uses of the gallery allow you to edit the format in FME Workbench or delete it from the list. Deleting a custom format removes the .fds file from your desktop.

Possible uses include the following:

Where to find custom format files

By default, custom formats are saved in the following locations:

Operating system

Folder location

Windows XP

C:\Documents and Settings\<login name>\My Documents\FME\Formats

Windows Vista and Windows 7

C:\Users\<login name>\My Documents\FME\Formats\

Folder locations for custom formats

