Using the Quick Import tool

  1. Find and open the Quick Import tool using the Search window 検索.
  2. Click the Input Dataset browse button.

    The Specify Data Source dialog box opens.

  3. Click the Format browse button, choose a format from the FME Reader Gallery dialog box, then click OK.
  4. Click the Dataset browse button, navigate to the file, then click Open.
  5. Click the Parameters button to edit the default FME reader parameters.

    Parameters can include optional and required settings and vary among formats.

  6. Click the Coordinate System browse button to define a spatial reference.

    This is optional.

  7. Click OK.

    The Specify Data Source dialog box closes.

  8. Click the Output Staging Geodatabase browse button, navigate to the folder, type the name in the Name text box, then click Save.
  9. Click OK to run the tool.

A geodatabase is created containing the converted input data. The output staging geodatabase can be used directly or for further processing.

